Ja jūs šeit esat ieklīduši no delfi, tvnet, icelo vai citiem nepārbaudītu informāciju cienošiem ziņu un tenku portāliem, tad brīdinu, ka Tūrisma biznesa vortāla ievietotais raksts par portāliem-maldinātājiem ir melīgs. Šajā, tāpat kā citās rakstā minētajās adresēs ir tikai saite uz bijušo Latvijas Tūrisma attīstības aģentūras lapu. Nekur (vismaz www.lanet.lv lapās) jūs neatradīsiet arī informāciju par to, vai to vai tā ir "oficiāla" vai neoficiāla lapa (skat. apgalvojumu raksta pirmajā rindkopā). Tagad adrese, kurā 1998.-1999. gados un, iespējams, arī vēlāk, bija nodērīga informācija par LTAA, pieder kādai privātfirmai. Apgalvojumam par tās nodomiem kādu maldināt es neredzu nekāda pamata. Apgalvojums par to, ka uzskaitītie portāli piedalās dezinformēšanā ir nepārprotami melīgs. Tajā pašā laikā ne raksta autori, ne aģentūra, kuru kopš 2002. gada sauc "Tūrisma attīstības valsts aģentūra" nav darījuši neko, lai mēģinātu "dezinformāciju" novērst, nosūtot atbilstošu informāciju "dezinformētājiem".

Vēl lūdzu pievērst uzmanību šīs lappuses apakšā norādītajiem datumiem. Un mēģiniet atbildēt uz jautājumu: vai misters x, izlasījis pusgadu vecā avīzē laika ziņas, un atbilstoši apģērbies, bet pēc tam apsaldējis savas ekstremitātes, varētu sūdzēties pusē no Latvijas lielākajiem portāliem par to, ka avīze viņu dezinformējusi? Laikam jau ne, jo katrs saprastu, par ko ir runa. Šoreiz raksta autori izmanto to, ka ievērojama lasītāju daļa neorientējas interneta adrešu dalīšanas specifikā un webkatalogu organizēšanas principos.


This page in Latvian / Šī lappuse latviski

Latvia Related Information Abroad

Latvians Abroad

DV news from Australia (L)
Sveiks.com, weekly online journal for Latvians in United States and Canada (E)
Latvian Relief Fund of America, Inc. (L,E)
Latvians in Australia (E)
Latvian Association in Göteborg, Sweden (Swedish,e)
American Latvian Association (E,L)
American Latvian Youth Association (L,E)
Latvian National Youth Association of Canada (E)
Garezers, latvian center (L)
Jurmalnieki, folkband from Denver (L,E)
11th World Latvian Youth Congress (VLJK), 2000 (L,E)
Auseklitis, Adelaide's Latvian Dance Ensemble (E,L)
Latvian Youth in Germany (l,g)
Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre, Toronto (E)
XI Latvian Songfest 2000, Toronto, Canada (L,E)
Latvians in Northern California (E)
Latvian Foundation Inc. (L) 30.11
Daugavas Vanagi, Latvian Relief Society of Australia, Melbourne Branch 30.11
Daugavas Vanagu Fonds, Latvian community in the UK (E) 30.11
Latvian National Federation in Canada (E) 30.11

Organisations, Embassies, Radio Stations

World - Wide Latvian M.B.A. Club (E)
Regional Environmental Center - map of Latvia and address of the local office (E)
Russian Public Information Center in Latvia (R,e)
The Catalan-Latvian Culture Association (Catalan,l,e)
Baltic American Freedom League (E)
Seventh-day Adventist Church Baltic Union Conference (E,L,R,Estonian,Lithuanian)
Latvian Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (L,E)
Baltinfo, Council of the Baltic Sea States (E)
Spekavots, international consultants center (E,L)
YFU Latvia - Youth For Understanding (E)
ScoutNet Latvia (E,l)
Business Institute Rimpak Livonija (E)
The JBANC Connection, Joint Baltic American National Committee (E)
Baltic Fund 1, L.P. (E)
Embassy of Latvia - Washington DC, comprehensive information about Latvia (E)
Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Canada (E)
Embassy of Latvia in Sweden (Swedish,l,e)
Radio Free Europe - Latvian Service (E)
Radio Sweden Latvian Service (L)
Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (E) 30.11
Union of the Baltic Cities (E) 30.11
British Council Latvia (E) 30.11


DekSoft, Baltic Macintosh & Windows Software (E)
Latvian American Shipping Line (E)
Baltic Media Ltd (E,Swedish,L)
Art Media Photo - vindedzis.com (E)
BalticShop.com, online store with goods from the Baltic Sea region (E)


Baltics Related Newsfeeds (E)
Riga Weather (E)
Lettland-News / Latvia News (G)
The Baltics Worldwide (E)


Latvians in NHL: Arturs Irbe , Sandis Ozolinsh, Peter Skudra 30.11, Sergei Zholtok (E)
Harold Snepsts (E)
Women's Hockey in Latvia (E)
State Sports Medicine Centre (L,E,R)
Football in Latvia (E)
Northern European Basketball League (E)
Latvian Hockey Abroad (L)
Track & Field in Latvia (L,E)
Latvian Sports (E) 30.11

Information for Tourists

Latvia In Your Pocket (E)
Global Online Travel - Latvia (E)
Latvian Tourist Board (E)
Irbe LNK, travel agency (R,E)
Riga Latvia Tourism (E)

Latvian Language

The Latvian Language - Learning Latvian On-line (E)
Basic Latvian Phrases with translations and comments (E)
The Latvian Language (E) 30.11
LexiLine - The Latvian Bond (E) 30.11


Map Images of Latvia (E)
Global Gazetteer - Latvia, 9543 cities, towns and villages on the map of Latvia (E)
Clickable Map of Latvia (E)

Latvia in Catalogues and Global Overviews

Ethnologue Database: Latvia (E)
International Constitutional Law - Latvia (E)
U.S. State Department: Latvia - Consular Information Sheet (E)
The World Factbook 1999 about Latvia (E)
CEEBICnet (Central and Eastern Europe Business Information Center) about Latvian economy (E)
Lonely Planet - Destination Latvia (E)
Latvian Mythology from Encyclopedia Mythica (E)
Latvia Special Interest Group from JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy (E)
Bringing People Together - Latvia, dating service (E)
MP3 of Latvian artists from MP3.com (E) 30.11

Link Collections

The CIESIN Baltics Regional Node about Latvia (E)
Baltic Explorer, directory and search engine (E)
Latvia Guide by Gates96 (E)

Other Information

Latvian fonts: DOS & Windows, Windows, Windows
Amara's Latvian Page (E)
Ingrid Karklins & Backbone (E)
Alec's Latvian Page (E)
Latvian Philately (E)
Ballad, the independent forum for networking in the Baltic Sea region (E)
Latvian Cross-Stitch Designs (E)
LatBits, monthly publication about Latvian Internet (E)
BiOtOM! Homepage, 3D graphics artist (E)
Ventspils - city and port guide (E)
www.latvians.com (E)
Calendar of Latvian Names and Namedays (L,E)
Wezza Sumpurna Filmu Zahgetawa (L,e)
Latvia: Year of Horror (E) 30.11
Oil on Canvas by Ojars Lasmanis (E) 30.11
Sweaters Gunta Collection (E) 30.11
Lettland (Swedish,g,e,l) 30.11
Latvian Armor 1918 - 1940 (E,Swedish) 30.11
Dianetics (L) 30.11
Anna Apinis (E) 30.11

E - information in English, e - part of information in English
L - information in Latvian, l - part of information in Latvian
R - information in Russian, r - part of information in Russian
G - information in German, g - part of information in German

Last full test of links at 99.10.14, last link error test at 99.12.17, last modified at 99.11.30
Additions and corrections mail to Atis Kluss: webmaster
Return to Latvia Related Internet Resources page