Welcome To INVASION Home Page!
About The Band
.INVASION was formed in December 11, 1995. The first line-up was Vadim Medvedev-vocals, guitar; Philipp Savkin -guitar; Alexey Pritkov -bass and temporary drummer Marec, which had played in R.M.S.O. We decided our music would be something like progressive thrash metal with keyboards and female vocals. One month later Frityof Belishev was added on drums instead of Marec. The first performance took place on Hell Thunder festival in Kolorado club, April 28. Since that period the band started to play in different clubs periodically.
>From August 25 to 29 INVASION made it's first record in the Phoenix studio. It was song named Perfection . Next time we went to the same studio in November to record our first album To The Eternity. The recording was finished in November, the album was recorded and mixed by Janis Levits. Our song Come Back To The World was represented on Black Friday compilation.
Soon after the presentation of Black Friday compilation (December 13) we decided to replace our drummer by Oleg, whose technical abilities was better. The presentation of our album took place in April, 4 in Kabata.
Now we work on a new album, which will be, we hope, more professional and complex. Besides, we want to add some kommercial elements to our music.
This album contains six songs written by Vadim, except Get Another Life by Philipp. All texts by Vadim.
To The Eternity... 1.Intro |
Vadim Medvedev-vocals, guitar Philipp Savkin- guitar
Band Contact:
Kurzemes Pr. 66-14 RIGA, LATVIA. Tel/Fax 371 7 552528