NIT '95:


November 23, 1995, Thursday

8:00 - 9:00 Registration 9:00 - 10:15 OFICIAL OPENING OF CONFERENCE Welcome Mr. Andris Vilks, National Library of Latvia Local Conference Chair NIT Conferences - Then, Now and Tomorrow Dr. Ching-chih Chen Professor & Associate Dean GSLIS, Simmons College, Boston, USA Chief Conference Organizer Opening Speeches Mr. Andris Gutmanis Minister of Traffic Chairman of Council of Information, Latvia 10:15 - 11:15 REVIEW OF NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Information technologies: The current state of the art Dr. Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College, Boston, USA New information technologies in Latvia: The current situation and opportunities Mr. Arts Klints, ALISE IS, Ltd., Riga, Latvia 11:15 - 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 - 12:15 ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING AND INFORMATION SERVICES Are CD-ROMS a thing of the past? Enter full-text databases, Mr. Apurva Mehta University of Massachusetts, Boson, USA Global implications for local automation, Dr. Diane R. Tebbetts, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA 12:15 - 13:45 Lunch 13:45 - 14:45 DISCUSSIONS Suggested Topics:
  • Information delivery systems - multimedia, videotex, cable, communications
  • What is the current status of access to each of these technologies?
  • For which uses is each most valuable?

  • Optical technology products, applications & services
  • What kinds of publications are currently available in optical formats?
  • How rapidly is this form of publication increasing?

  • Database creation, structure and searching
  • How can the country best participiate in creating databases?
  • How can databases best be used in economic and social advancement?

  • Marketing and promotion of information services
  • What are the means available for supporting entrepreneurial services?

  • Business planning in a Market-Oriented, Information-Based Economy
  • How can general industry incorporate information services in planning?
  • What is needed for business planning for information-based companies?

    If you have suggestions, feel free to leave a note to

    Andris Vilks:
    14:45 - 15:00	Afternoon Break
    Integrated database of library and museum
    	Collections, Dr. Aigars Krauze & Ms. Valdis Mazulis,
    	Latvian Academic Library, Riga, Latvia
    Preservation and sharing of the national information in the digital
    	environment, Dr. Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College, Boston, USA
    16:15 - 17:00	DISCUSSIONS
    Suggested topics
  • Building Local Resources & Strengths
  • How can this be accomplished?

  • Availability of information sources
  • How available are library holdings and museum collections?

  • Importance of national values
  • How important are they in maintaining cultural values?

  • Use of new information technologies in preservation
  • What are the needs in physical preservation of materials?
  • How can the information content of materials be preserved?

    If you have suggestions, feel free to leave a note to

    Andris Vilks:
    20:00 -		BANQUET
    House of Architects, Torna iela 11, Old Riga

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