CUSI is one of a Public Services originally provided by Martijn Koster at NEXOR.

CUSI at LANET is a Searching Service provided and maintained by LANET. In 1993 - 1996 original of this page was provided by NEXOR and slightly changed by LANET. In 1997 - 1999 this page is fully updated by LANET.

See About CUSI for background information.

Here is list all CUSI services around the world. But most of them are not updated for the last 2 - 4 years or are closed. The Internet Navigation Page is the most complete and updated CUSI-based page.

Latvian Indexes | Indexes for the other countries | Manual WWW Indexes | Robot Generated Web Indexes | Indexes of Metarobots | Discussion Lists | Software | People | Documents | Dictionaries

Latvian Indexes

These are indexes of Latvia related WWW-based information.
Search term:
Tip: You can put '+' sign before each word if you use AltaVista or Infoseek search from this page!
You can add "+host:lv" from AltaVista's page, "+site:lv" from Infoseek's page, click on "domain/website" under "Location" and type "lv" in this box from HotBot's SuperSearch page and use "Latvija" instead of "(pasaule)" from EuroSeek's page.

Search Latvian Web searches in Latvia.
AltaVista, Infoseek and HotBot and EuroSeek searches in .lv domain.
LATNET, Riga on the net, and Yahoo searches only for titles and summaries of Latvia related WWW resources.
LATNET don't support words with Latvian diacritical characters. EuroSeek don't support Latvian ASCII text with apostrophes.

Navigators and All Latvian Links are not searchable from this page, but they are significant Latvian WWW indexes, too.

Indexes for the other countries

It isn't useful to join them in one search form. Best start places for these indexes are
Search Engine Watch - Regional Search Engines,
Search and Submit - Search Engines: Geographically Specific,
Search Engine Colossus.

Manual WWW Indexes

These are some manual indexes of WWW-based information useful for finding well-known services.
Search term:
The popular Yahoo features a hierarchically organised subject tree.
Snap is similar to Yahoo but smaller.
Rex and NetBreach don't have so good subject tree.
ALIWEB is semi-distributed/autmated special global index for the Web.
The UK Index is a manually maintained index of resources in the UK.

Robot generated WWW Indexes

These indexes of WWW-based resources are generated by robots, and therefore very complete, but are more likely to find too much information.

Search term:
Alta Vista, HotBot, ICQ IT, excite, Infoseek, Northern Light, Scrub the Web, Lycos are the largest robots
Many robots (see here for the list) uses Inktomi databases. But only HotBot and ICQ IT are included here because all of them have quite similar results.
EuroSeek and Muscat EuroFerret are indexes of the European Web Sites. WebCrawler indexes only submited pages.

Indexes of Metarobots

Metarobots uses results of robot generated WWW indexes and join them.

Search term:
The most popular of them are: C4 (former Cyber 411), Dogpile, Highway61, Mamma, MetaCrawler, MetaFind, SavvySearch.

Discussion Lists

Search term: (former DejaNews) and searches in the archives of Usenet news. Search The List of Lists searches discussion groups (mailing lists or listservs).


Search term:

FTPSearch, ArchiePlex and Filez are full-featured Archie gateways for the web, and locates files on Anonymous FTP sites.
CNET searches various software collections for MS-DOS / Windows, Mac, OS/2, Netware, UNIX, Atari, Amiga. You can use this link to specify your platform for searching.
MS-DOS / Windows Archive is part of the UK Mirror Service (former HENSA micros archive) and it includes various software collections. You can use this link for other platforms, too.
WinSite (former CICA) is a one of the largest Windows shareware archives.
You can search for names of software in DaveCentral Internet-related software archive. This archive includes reviews of software.
The Language List and the Free Compilers and Interpreters List should be obvious.


Search term:
WhoWhere?, Yahoo! People Search, Internet Address Finder, Populus searches for surnames, names and some other information about people and gives you corresponding e-mail addresses, URLs e.t.c. Switchboard finds a person U.S.
Usenet Authors searches for the authors of Usenet postings 1991 - 1996.


Search term:
For Internet related standards and proposed standards you can use the RFC Index Search and Internet Draft Index Searchat NEXOR. The Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index gives nice HTML abstracts. You can search all publications in CUI Computer Science Library. The SEL-HPC Article Archive contains old databases on High Performance Computing and other disciplines. The BSD Man Pages searchrs in pages of BSD reference manuals. The CIA World Factbook is the 1993 edition. Alex is a Catalogue of Electronic Texts about literature and Western philosophy.


Search term:
As well it is useful to use English <-> French, German, Italian, Portugalese, Spanish translation of the words and Web pages.

Last modified at 99.02.26 by Atis Kluss: webmaster

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