World-Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 15:57:36 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: May 1 1996 to May 31 1996

Files Transmitted During Summary Period          140501
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       767256312
Average Files Transmitted Daily                    4532
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                24750204

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
23.05 21.97    168573571    32381 | unresolved 
14.84 12.99     99684526    20855 | com   US Commercial
13.61  9.34     71692312    19120 | lv    Latvia
10.21  5.25     40288061    14341 | 
 6.17  7.33     56226905     8675 | net   Network
 4.86  6.48     49740424     6822 | edu   US Educational
 3.16  3.44     26416034     4446 | uk    United Kingdom
 3.11  4.33     33252168     4374 | jp    Japan
 2.44  3.93     30125182     3432 | de    Germany
 1.97  3.29     25215429     2769 | ca    Canada
 1.87  1.85     14218389     2623 | se    Sweden
 1.58  2.05     15750440     2214 | sg    Singapore
 1.42  2.10     16103967     1997 | au    Australia
 1.03  1.37     10518422     1444 | fi    Finland
 1.00  1.26      9644774     1400 | nl    Netherlands
 0.93  0.93      7136152     1302 | it    Italy
 0.76  0.89      6851303     1062 | no    Norway
 0.66  1.30      9962810      932 | us    United States
 0.54  0.67      5151875      761 | ee    Estonia
 0.44  0.41      3108137      614 | dk    Denmark
 0.41  0.69      5261249      571 | fr    France
 0.40  0.56      4325270      562 | tw    Taiwan
 0.39  0.47      3567831      546 | ch    Switzerland
 0.35  0.45      3419690      495 | il    Israel
 0.30  0.44      3367404      419 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.30  0.53      4071655      417 | pl    Poland
 0.27  0.41      3149022      374 | my    Malaysia
 0.27  0.36      2777339      373 | at    Austria
 0.22  0.36      2790823      314 | be    Belgium
 0.22  0.29      2217445      307 | gov   US Government

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
23.05 21.97    168573571    32381 | Unresolved
 9.02  4.81     36916640    12676 | lv.lanet
 3.46  3.53     27053646     4866 | lv.latnet
 3.43  1.95     14998295     4818 |
 2.45  1.11      8506845     3447 | com.parsecweb
 2.22  1.49     11449171     3126 | com.inktomi
 1.36  1.49     11408578     1908 |
 1.15  1.37     10498292     1611 |
 0.73  0.76      5867889     1023 | com.netcom.ix
 0.72  0.33      2559269     1011 |
 0.60  0.21      1604601      842 | com.atext
 0.56  0.35      2685258      791 | lv.riga
 0.56  0.83      6340766      780 | com.compuserve
 0.52  0.16      1199915      730 |
 0.52  0.19      1434932      728 | lv.lanet.valmiera
 0.49  0.83      6396080      691 | net.pi
 0.44  0.34      2624035      616 |
 0.41  0.20      1514682      581 | lv.parks
 0.37  0.76      5821347      525 | de.dtag.btx
 0.33  0.14      1058692      470 | it.unica
 0.33  0.26      1960788      463 | lv.llu.cs
 0.32  0.13       968759      443 |
 0.31  0.17      1277198      442 | lv.swh
 0.31  0.13      1005124      429 | lv.bkc
 0.30  0.42      3230248      421 | se.swipnet
 0.29  0.12       904675      406 | com.netzone
 0.29  0.04       324629      405 | com.n-jcenter
 0.28  0.26      1998105      390 | lv.cclu
 0.27  0.18      1415138      383 | net.snider
 0.26  0.42      3241100      368 | jp.or.msn

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 9.62 63.66    488470737    13511 | /misc/charts/
 5.10  0.75      5722161     7167 | /pirma.html
 0.91  0.19      1434959     1281 | /cgi-bin/Count.cgi
 0.83  0.03       210672     1161 | /cgi-bin/cusi
 0.81  1.93     14824292     1143 | /links/latvia.html
 0.69  0.42      3240710      974 | /news/
 0.54  0.53      4048522      761 | /links/other.html
 0.48  0.21      1606924      670 | /news/airplay/new.html
 0.48  0.19      1469674      677 | /members/LU/
 0.45  0.36      2730034      626 | /whatsnew.html
 0.43  0.05       400071      602 | /services/
 0.41  0.63      4825324      578 | /services/cusi/cusi.html
 0.41  0.05       350804      578 | /news/ievanda/
 0.37  0.06       428128      526 | /news/exch/
 0.34  0.14      1080264      481 | /news/ievanda/1996/no/
 0.34  0.05       412742      479 | /members/
 0.33  0.20      1566772      462 | /news/exch/vk.html
 0.29  0.12       885592      402 | /news/ievanda/1996/tx/
 0.26  0.10       758118      368 | /members/LU/homepages/
 0.20  0.09       717871      280 | /members/LU/astro/ast_latv.html
 0.20  0.05       419284      287 | /news/airplay/
 0.19  0.08       591819      264 | /news/albums/
 0.19  0.02       182513      264 | /news/rock/
 0.18  0.46      3517848      249 | /misc/charts/year.html
 0.18  0.23      1732216      248 | /~luua/ua.gif
 0.18  0.16      1226310      251 | /about.html
 0.17  0.16      1213615      243 | /users/judrups/Humor/youngsex.html
 0.16  0.07       507310      227 | /news/ievanda/1996/wo/
 0.16  0.03       239236      222 | /~sh40015/
 0.15  0.28      2120842      213 | /cgi-bin/archieplexform
 0.15  0.07       573325      205 | /news/spice/
 0.15  0.04       274512      204 | /~luua/
 0.14  0.07       530600      197 | /~norro/bccs.html
 0.13  0.12       893380      178 | /users/judrups/Humor/
 0.13  0.05       354070      185 | /users/judrups/
 0.13  0.02       165452      178 | /members/folklore/
 0.12  0.47      3585611      168 | /news/avalanche/
 0.12  0.42      3190939      164 | /news/sharks/
 0.12  0.12       940970      175 | /users/judrups/humor2.html
 0.12  0.05       366437      166 | /~sh40015/movie.html
 0.11  0.07       519798      153 | /services/archieplex/doc/form.html
 0.11  0.05       421298      151 | /misc/market/business.htm
 0.11  0.05       355165      160 | /members/LU/astro/ast_home.html
 0.11  0.03       264883      153 | /news/rock/1996/tx/
 0.11  0.01       101269      161 | /users/judrups/Humor/orgasmi.html
 0.09  0.06       487184      123 | /~aiesec/
 0.09  0.05       372232      132 | /members/LU/f_phmath.html
 0.09  0.05       356861      124 | /~sh40015/sports.html
 0.09  0.04       307142      129 | /members/aabs/
 0.08  0.07       550026      107 | /users/judrups/humor.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0