World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 13:32:05 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Aug 1 1997 to Aug 31 1997

Requests Received During Summary Period          231528
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      1099544821
Average Requests Received Daily                    7469
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                35469188

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
31.20 21.95    241322433    72234 | unresolved 
23.97 15.78    173532269    55493 | lv    Latvia
15.15 15.22    167344782    35077 | com   Commercial
 6.36  9.14    100519541    14717 | net   Network
 4.49 10.49    115391287    10394 | es    Spain
 2.16  3.09     33927200     4991 | de    Germany
 1.61  2.01     22084449     3738 | se    Sweden
 1.34  1.66     18221546     3102 | edu   Educational
 1.27  1.92     21114387     2938 | au    Australia
 1.20  2.15     23635014     2771 | jp    Japan
 1.06  1.36     14945601     2461 | ca    Canada
 0.98  1.18     13010789     2275 | fi    Finland
 0.97  0.61      6705147     2241 | ee    Estonia
 0.74  1.38     15216277     1711 | no    Norway
 0.67  1.02     11236869     1555 | nl    Netherlands
 0.65  0.97     10620913     1507 | il    Israel
 0.61  0.96     10507638     1410 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.50  0.83      9075273     1161 | it    Italy
 0.42  0.86      9490215      983 | tw    Taiwan
 0.30  0.47      5134615      697 | sg    Singapore
 0.29  0.33      3623041      664 | dk    Denmark
 0.29  0.49      5407876      663 | pl    Poland
 0.25  0.39      4295893      581 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.23  0.43      4773336      533 | ch    Switzerland
 0.21  0.37      4080543      479 | my    Malaysia
 0.20  0.30      3330551      457 | at    Austria
 0.19  0.25      2701365      444 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.18  0.40      4374864      428 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.18  0.20      2197445      411 | be    Belgium
 0.16  0.21      2254896      371 | fr    France

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
31.20 21.95    241322433    72234 | Unresolved
 5.58  1.80     19793563    12915 | lv.lanet
 5.09  3.96     43539465    11794 | com.alexa
 4.29 10.23    112443049     9940 | es.upv.eui
 2.01  1.75     19288529     4655 | com.atext
 1.91  2.16     23718967     4421 |
 1.19  0.53      5793991     2764 | lv.parks
 1.03  0.62      6844047     2389 |
 0.97  0.35      3864832     2241 |
 0.95  0.57      6260735     2188 | lv.riga
 0.80  0.50      5502013     1842 | lv.telekom
 0.75  0.29      3197784     1747 | lv.apollo
 0.66  2.62     28796761     1525 | lv.fortech
 0.66  0.21      2292224     1519 |
 0.60  0.28      3030504     1389 | com.netneo
 0.57  0.23      2560521     1311 | lv.energo
 0.53  0.86      9480676     1216 | se.swipnet
 0.42  0.17      1900457      983 | lv.bkc.as1
 0.40  0.27      2972222      922 | lv.latnet
 0.39  0.25      2713373      902 |
 0.32  0.07       755515      744 | lv.lmuza
 0.31  0.35      3814043      721 |
 0.30  0.21      2359126      684 | lv.lnt
 0.29  0.36      3939096      680 | com.netcom.ix
 0.28  0.21      2308897      659 | lv.bkc
 0.27  0.21      2266104      632 |
 0.27  0.18      2019403      621 | lv.llu.cs
 0.27  0.15      1688816      614 |
 0.26  0.46      5032304      604 | net.webtv.bryant.iap
 0.26  0.20      2247941      604 | lv.lanet.baltkom

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 8.76  1.95     21433662    20278 | /cgi-bin/Count.cgi
 4.97 39.62    435692224    11508 | /misc/charts/
 4.40  1.43     15682033    10192 | /
 0.70  0.81      8943051     1632 | /news/exch/vk.html
 0.43  0.04       439260     1004 | /cgi-bin/cusi
 0.43  1.99     21918854      994 | /links/lwww.html
 0.39  0.33      3589413      898 | /cgi-bin/wwwwais
 0.37  0.09       946784      867 | /links/llatvia.html
 0.37  0.32      3529296      857 | /members/LU/
 0.31  0.17      1884607      726 | /news/airplay/new.html
 0.30  0.75      8274114      691 | /services/cusi/cusi.html
 0.27  0.06       653434      616 | /links/latvia.html
 0.26  0.14      1563880      600 | /news/kiegelis/
 0.24  0.09      1020805      565 | /news/exch/
 0.23  1.16     12793863      526 | /links/ewww.html
 0.23  0.03       327204      524 | /users/judrups/Humor/orgasmi.html
 0.22  0.37      4022840      507 | /links/other.html
 0.22  0.12      1333955      498 | /news/all.html
 0.20  0.59      6470933      457 | /misc/charts/year.html
 0.19  0.05       579544      436 | /members/
 0.18  0.44      4790971      408 | /whatsnew.html
 0.17  0.09      1006672      386 | /news/
 0.16  0.13      1399216      373 | /index/personal.html
 0.16  0.10      1102719      367 | /news/spice/
 0.16  0.05       576264      366 | /news/exch/lindex.html
 0.16  0.21      2317514      359 | /users/judrups/Humor/consumerreport.html
 0.15  0.02       261881      340 | /services/
 0.13  0.18      2000264      305 | /members/LU/homepages/
 0.13  0.05       526414      297 | /util/search/lindex.html
 0.12  0.03       308916      286 | /business/
 0.12  0.07       723867      284 | /news/rock/1997/
 0.12  0.08       888673      282 | /users/judrups/Humor/aol.html
 0.11  0.03       317590      259 | /business/lindex.html
 0.10  0.20      2187371      220 | /cgi-bin/archieplexform
 0.09  0.04       386088      216 | /util/search/
 0.09  0.24      2633173      206 | /links/lhp.html
 0.09  0.08       838224      204 | /index/
 0.09  0.09       946430      197 | /users/judrups/Humor/hatewin.html
 0.08  0.01       160385      192 | /izm/
 0.08  0.02       191714      186 | /books/ipc/
 0.08  0.06       678050      184 | /users/judrups/Humor/pooh2.html
 0.08  0.20      2208224      181 | /links/ehp.html
 0.08  0.81      8864455      180 | /members/LU/info/
 0.08  0.02       250430      176 | /links/lftp.html
 0.08  0.05       550093      175 | /services/archieplex/doc/form.html
 0.07  0.13      1386642      173 | /links/lmusic.html
 0.07  0.13      1412434      169 | /users/judrups/Humor/puks.html
 0.07  0.03       302480      166 | /izm/galva.html
 0.07  0.01       160235      163 | /izm/pogas.html
 0.07  0.03       279736      156 | /news/airplay/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0