World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 21:04:46 (GMT +0200)

Totals for Summary Period: Jan 1 2000 to Jan 31 2000

Requests Received During Summary Period          142124
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      6249110260
Average Requests Received Daily                    4585
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               201584202

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
55.35 25.36   1584887834    78668 | lv    Latvia
18.32 20.30   1268557187    26035 | com   Commercial
12.75 34.00   2124422145    18118 | unresolved 
 6.19  6.17    385484172     8798 | net   Network
 1.13  3.49    218045701     1613 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.53  0.81     50409799      753 | de    Germany
 0.35  0.55     34119584      492 | fr    France
 0.34  1.37     85325891      477 | br    Brazil
 0.33  0.38     23591963      472 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.32  0.42     26463058      455 | edu   Educational
 0.28  0.60     37324628      395 | jp    Japan
 0.26  0.26     16412125      371 | se    Sweden
 0.25  0.43     27010768      360 | ca    Canada
 0.25  0.41     25718610      352 | nl    Netherlands
 0.24  0.14      8924906      336 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.23  0.30     18851549      325 | it    Italy
 0.21  0.86     53857519      305 | dk    Denmark
 0.19  0.23     14612786      275 | es    Spain
 0.17  0.34     21042779      247 | au    Australia
 0.16  0.22     13966406      229 | sg    Singapore
 0.15  0.16      9879957      219 | fi    Finland
 0.12  0.09      5393908      171 | pl    Poland
 0.12  0.14      8523156      170 | ar    Argentina
 0.11  0.28     17717258      159 | za    South Africa
 0.10  0.18     11175263      148 | eg    Egypt
 0.09  0.08      4864108      127 | mx    Mexico
 0.08  1.01     62835786      120 | tr    Turkey
 0.08  0.10      5957250      119 | us    United States
 0.08  0.02      1088421      113 | tw    Taiwan
 0.08  0.05      3434097      108 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.07  0.08      4757953      105 | no    Norway
 0.07  0.17     10528904      100 | pt    Portugal
 0.06  0.05      2983529       90 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.06  0.03      1700462       90 | my    Malaysia
 0.06  0.04      2655825       82 | il    Israel
 0.06  0.07      4362778       82 | be    Belgium
 0.06  0.07      4096067       79 | ro    Romania
 0.05  0.06      3850005       77 | ch    Switzerland
 0.05  0.05      3079724       66 | hu    Hungary
 0.04  0.03      2152683       62 | ua    Ukraine
 0.04  0.05      2815233       62 | ie    Ireland
 0.04  0.05      3092732       61 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.04  0.05      3227224       61 | at    Austria
 0.04  0.05      3039075       51 | lt    Lithuania
 0.04  0.08      5228768       50 | ee    Estonia
 0.03  0.02      1083422       45 | id    Indonesia
 0.03  0.02      1184819       42 | mil   US Military
 0.02  0.02      1421541       34 | ph    Philippines
 0.02  0.06      3732254       30 | cn    China
 0.02  0.00       251862       23 | gov   Government

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
40.87  8.77    547979383    58080 | lv.navigators
12.75 34.00   2124422145    18118 | Unresolved
10.85 11.10    693406807    15421 | com.alexa
 6.21  1.99    124384843     8820 | lv.parks
 4.74  3.84    240078065     6738 |
 2.79  0.66     41050287     3970 | com.inktomisearch
 1.76  0.10      6044582     2498 |
 0.67  2.04    127438939      946 | ru.aha
 0.63  0.34     20992379      890 |
 0.60  0.11      6892762      858 | com.alltheweb
 0.50  0.07      4603227      708 |
 0.49  0.09      5729126      700 | com.googlebot
 0.36  1.36     84930601      508 | lv.lanet
 0.34  0.78     48678951      485 | net.wplus
 0.32  0.64     40205113      456 |
 0.30  1.09     68098244      426 | lv.telekom
 0.28  0.56     35056622      392 | lv.apollo
 0.22  0.04      2479580      311 | net.rubis.ny
 0.19  0.39     24379990      277 | lv.latnet
 0.19  0.03      1968889      271 | com.northernlight
 0.19  0.17     10894350      266 | com.telia
 0.18  0.09      5842091      261 | cz.iol.valmez
 0.16  0.10      6333705      226 | com.home.occa.dnpt1
 0.14  0.21     13073797      193 |
 0.12  0.19     11907844      176 | lv.dpu.itc
 0.12  0.15      9393071      174 |
 0.10  0.29     18330759      149 |
 0.10  0.11      6733593      147 | it.tin
 0.10  0.18     11151763      146 |
 0.10  0.42     26104162      143 | lv.chd
 0.10  0.36     22341647      143 | com.access995
 0.10  0.15      9118244      137 |
 0.10  0.12      7307673      136 |
 0.09  0.22     13890327      135 | net.telenor.ti
 0.09  0.04      2473553      132 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.09  0.31     19314374      130 | lv.var
 0.09  0.11      6985917      125 | lv.tmc
 0.09  0.12      7579771      124 |
 0.09  0.18     11007692      123 | lv.junik
 0.09  0.13      7826496      123 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.09  0.32     19954057      121 |
 0.08  0.52     32359841      116 | net.att.dial-access.fl.clearwater-06-07rs
 0.08  0.03      2057530      115 | net.splitrock
 0.08  0.52     32355798      111 | lv.parks.jelgava
 0.08  0.00       199091      111 | com.digimarc
 0.08  0.21     13233121      109 |
 0.07  0.15      9507886      105 | lv.spils
 0.07  0.01       461447      104 | ru.gazprom
 0.07  0.03      2053590       99 | net.globalcenter
 0.07  0.49     30401030       97 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.77  0.18     10968587     1100 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/books/slade/bkburger.rvw
 0.54  1.26     78903014      769 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/00index.all
 0.38  0.07      4680629      537 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/
 0.36  0.03      2107874      513 | /ftp/ix.html
 0.33  0.02      1091352      467 | /ftp/
 0.27  0.06      3704720      383 | /ftp/simtelnet/win95/
 0.20  0.01       549471      290 | /ftp/windows/
 0.19  0.01       623376      268 | /ftp/idx.html
 0.16  0.01       534521      231 | /ftp/simtelnet/
 0.15  0.07      4388392      214 | /ftp/simtelnet/msdos/
 0.14  0.01       401584      205 | /ftp/unix/
 0.13  0.00       249353      186 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/
 0.13  0.00       307319      182 | /ftp/unix/mini-linux/
 0.13  1.22     76120207      179 | /ftp/simtelnet/msdos/geogrphy/
 0.12  0.21     13390507      175 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/convert/
 0.12  0.09      5868099      170 | /ftp/GNU/
 0.12  0.00       163304      169 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/
 0.12  0.49     30852892      167 | /ftp/rfc/
 0.12  0.00       304639      164 | /ftp/windows/www/netscape3.0/
 0.11  0.00       257347      162 | /ftp/mirror/
 0.11  0.03      1743751      153 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/source/00index.txt
 0.11  0.08      4876108      153 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/source/00index.html
 0.10  0.03      1628241      149 | /ftp/simtelnet/win95/calc/
 0.10  0.02      1423625      148 | /ftp/simtelnet/win95/calc/
 0.10  0.01       577814      148 | /ftp/mirror/Slackware/
 0.10  0.01       771356      145 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/rules/mancala.txt
 0.10  0.03      2070852      145 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/gamesrc/00index.html
 0.10  0.06      3514870      139 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/source/
 0.09  0.06      3714100      128 | /ftp/simtelnet/msdos/graphics/
 0.09  0.02      1394457      128 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/gamesrc/
 0.09  0.87     54585579      127 | /ftp/unix/mini-linux/
 0.09  0.00       244313      127 | /ftp/unix/aix-binaries/uclapub/
 0.09  0.00       196916      125 | /ftp/windows/www/
 0.09  0.01       517362      125 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/serial/
 0.09  0.00       109434      123 | /ftp/windows/xwin/
 0.09  0.07      4618939      121 | /ftp/simtelnet/win95/util/
 0.09  0.02      1178423      121 | /ftp/simtelnet/win3/
 0.09  0.00       127934      121 | /ftp/programming/
 0.08  0.04      2548892      118 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/utils/00longindex.txt
 0.08  0.00       100372      116 | /ftp/unix/aix-binaries/
 0.08  0.00       118542      114 | /ftp/unix/solaris/
 0.08  0.00        94648      114 | /ftp/dos/
 0.08  0.23     14457197      112 | /ftp/simtelnet/win95/diskutl/
 0.08  0.03      1771245      112 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/convert/00index.html
 0.08  0.03      1694300      111 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/00Main.html
 0.08  0.04      2387544      110 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/docs/
 0.08  0.06      3551252      109 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/watcom/
 0.08  0.86     53728052      108 | /ftp/unix/mini-linux/
 0.08  0.02      1274268      108 | /ftp/mirror/x2ftp/msdos/programming/utils/
 0.07  0.02      1107794      106 | /ftp/unix/security/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0