World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 19:45:27 (GMT +0200)

Totals for Summary Period: Oct 1 2000 to Oct 31 2000

Requests Received During Summary Period          169294
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      5199084268
Average Requests Received Daily                    5461
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               167712396

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
50.90 44.54   2315528627    86172 | unresolved 
39.80 46.54   2419592808    67379 | lv    Latvia
 6.09  5.98    311019314    10312 | com   Commercial
 0.73  0.71     36845085     1237 | net   Network
 0.45  0.31     15987504      767 | it    Italy
 0.43  0.52     26996748      722 | ee    Estonia
 0.37  0.13      6803635      618 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.36  0.33     17030966      610 | lt    Lithuania
 0.18  0.47     24471506      311 | se    Sweden
 0.08  0.01       771488      127 | au    Australia
 0.07  0.01       306852      118 | pl    Poland
 0.06  0.15      7561451      104 | br    Brazil
 0.06  0.03      1772613       98 | fi    Finland
 0.05  0.06      3282641       90 | za    South Africa
 0.05  0.01       683633       82 | nl    Netherlands
 0.04  0.01       406300       63 | es    Spain
 0.03  0.00        49555       45 | yu    Yugoslavia
 0.03  0.00       210417       44 | at    Austria
 0.02  0.02       991402       42 | ar    Argentina
 0.02  0.06      3162271       37 | fr    France
 0.02  0.01       586586       34 | ca    Canada
 0.02  0.01       472688       32 | dk    Denmark
 0.02  0.00       159132       26 | pe    Peru
 0.02  0.00        53423       26 | ie    Ireland
 0.01  0.00        81810       24 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.01  0.00        84546       22 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.01  0.03      1350684       20 | il    Israel
 0.01  0.01       714065       17 | ge    Georgia
 0.01  0.00       257552       14 | be    Belgium
 0.01  0.00        39917       13 | is    Iceland
 0.00  0.00        19692        8 | eg    Egypt
 0.00  0.00        54982        7 | gr    Greece
 0.00  0.00        34168        7 | mx    Mexico
 0.00  0.00       132072        5 | de    Germany
 0.00  0.00       108512        5 | by    Belarus
 0.00  0.00        91112        5 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.00  0.00        66536        5 | jp    Japan
 0.00  0.00        33768        5 | in    India
 0.00  0.00         1200        5 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.00  0.00       164640        4 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.00  0.00        10018        4 | no    Norway
 0.00  0.02       919337        2 | cn    China
 0.00  0.00        98704        2 | tw    Taiwan
 0.00  0.00        33168        2 | gov   Government
 0.00  0.00          600        2 | th    Thailand
 0.00  0.00          600        2 | si    Slovenia
 0.00  0.00          600        2 | na    Namibia
 0.00  0.00          600        2 | hu    Hungary
 0.00  0.00          400        2 | uy    Uruguay
 0.00  0.00          400        2 | my    Malaysia

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
50.90 44.54   2315528627    86172 | Unresolved
 4.50  4.97    258609270     7617 | com.googlebot
 3.91  5.50    285808523     6625 | lv.lanet
 3.31  3.34    173600405     5611 | lv.caves
 2.33  3.70    192143664     3937 | lv.delfi.wl
 1.71  2.89    150475241     2896 | lv.apollo
 1.60  1.51     78620504     2716 | lv.telekom
 1.44  1.14     59416783     2430 |
 1.40  1.08     56333902     2372 |
 1.20  1.66     86297301     2038 | lv.parks
 1.15  1.06     55243479     1941 |
 1.07  1.50     78244121     1809 | lv.latnet
 1.03  2.21    114865059     1748 | lv.delfi
 1.01  1.39     72332988     1707 | lv.delfi.eth
 0.76  0.55     28743555     1279 | lv.balticom
 0.75  0.42     21934318     1263 | lv.bokova
 0.72  0.57     29706526     1211 | lv.energo
 0.69  0.28     14737896     1171 | lv.dpunet
 0.68  0.16      8489478     1155 |
 0.68  1.01     52665759     1144 |
 0.67  0.87     45329798     1138 | lv.junik
 0.59  1.57     81414706     1006 |
 0.53  0.50     26233563      904 |
 0.51  0.41     21449291      871 |
 0.48  0.66     34088869      818 | lv.avelat
 0.45  1.15     59919028      766 | lv.delfi.hi
 0.43  0.28     14783113      733 | lv.latviatours
 0.41  0.41     21323386      699 | lv.from
 0.36  0.07      3870286      603 | lv.lmt
 0.35  0.21     10847506      596 | lv.lanet.cesis
 0.34  0.06      3008819      584 | lv.ober-haus
 0.34  0.17      8716730      569 | lv.swh
 0.32  0.04      2176631      549 | lv.binet
 0.32  0.40     20964503      541 |
 0.30  1.73     89817398      511 | lv.delfi.saldus.wl
 0.29  0.25     13241378      489 | lv.arsenals
 0.29  0.26     13377209      484 | lv.ttinform
 0.27  0.18      9164383      464 | it.libero.27-151
 0.27  0.11      5515738      457 | lv.delfi.eth.hi
 0.27  0.05      2658654      456 | ru.aha
 0.25  0.24     12730239      429 |
 0.23  0.09      4503490      392 | lv.delfi.dsl
 0.22  0.47     24206899      375 |
 0.22  0.28     14741049      374 |
 0.21  0.17      8875972      361 | lv.osi
 0.21  1.02     53136263      354 | lv.delfi.liepaja.wl
 0.21  0.02      1128143      350 | lv.bkc.as52
 0.20  0.24     12432345      347 | lv.bsc
 0.20  0.10      4973329      346 | lv.presesnams
 0.20  0.20     10209062      343 | lv.zednet

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 1.16  1.03     53433427     1962 | /
 0.54  0.50     26049377      912 | /win95soft.html
 0.31  0.31     15960992      521 | /window95.html
 0.20  0.43     22273125      332 | /files/ctp2000_setup.exe
 0.15  0.30     15749956      248 | /win95.html
 0.11  0.12      5989232      194 | /window2k.html
 0.11  0.11      5783628      191 | /windownt.html
 0.08  0.05      2380704      138 | /topd.html
 0.08  0.00        57660      137 | /locallinux.html
 0.08  0.09      4543157      132 | /winntsoft.html
 0.08  0.08      4362540      132 | /win2ksoft.html
 0.08  0.03      1706614      130 | /circ95.html
 0.07  0.15      8039350      123 | /help/glos.html
 0.06  0.05      2786904       99 | /vdat95.html
 0.05  0.00        41550       92 | /localgp.html
 0.05  2.09    108522106       86 | /files5/
 0.04  0.14      7149405       74 | /mp395.html
 0.04  0.00        31853       72 | /localhtml.html
 0.04  0.00        29601       70 | /localmusic.html
 0.04  0.14      7147454       67 | /comp95.html
 0.04  0.07      3675787       66 | /web95.html
 0.04  0.04      1847429       61 | /windowme.html
 0.04  0.05      2609772       61 | /cmess95.html
 0.03  0.05      2382910       58 | /virus95.html
 0.03  0.02      1050586       56 | /herdwin.html
 0.03  0.00        23071       52 | /localoffice.html
 0.03  0.02       788213       51 | /listings.html
 0.03  0.02       807228       50 | /herd.html
 0.03  0.07      3880890       46 | /grap95.html
 0.03  0.09      4727556       44 | /utilmisc95.html
 0.03  0.00        17906       44 | /advertisment.html
 0.02  0.05      2744054       42 | /mail95.html
 0.02  0.04      1890556       42 | /manager95.html
 0.02  0.01       631587       42 | /croom95.html
 0.02  0.02      1166919       41 | /cdrutil95.html
 0.02  0.00        20147       41 | /localthemes.html
 0.02  0.06      3057825       40 | /ftp95.html
 0.02  0.03      1367177       40 | /tcp95.html
 0.02  0.03      1302532       40 | /ftpserver95.html
 0.02  0.00        18224       40 | /localmac.html
 0.02  1.06     55357708       39 | /files/acdwin.exe
 0.02  0.08      3946846       38 | /tool95.html
 0.02  0.15      7705448       37 | /files3/vftpd131.exe
 0.02  0.02       935605       37 | /adnload/166_30107.html
 0.02  0.00        90206       37 | /favicon.ico
 0.02  0.62     32072248       36 | /files3/mirc58t.exe
 0.02  0.04      2164409       36 | /shell95.html
 0.02  1.05     54685842       35 | /files/winamp265.exe
 0.02  0.60     31079157       35 | /files/homesite451eval.exe
 0.02  0.02      1204729       35 | /lib95.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0