World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 18:01:06 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Aug 1 2001 to Aug 31 2001

Requests Received During Summary Period          335003
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     12209412464
Average Requests Received Daily                   11964
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               436050445

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
58.83 61.73   7536317695   197090 | unresolved 
34.25 33.44   4082256802   114736 | lv    Latvia
 3.87  2.85    347520932    12970 | com   Commercial
 1.07  0.65     79173736     3582 | net   Network
 0.77  0.64     78073354     2594 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.24  0.22     27273845      805 | ee    Estonia
 0.16  0.06      6735122      548 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.15  0.04      5206640      489 | lt    Lithuania
 0.12  0.01      1378459      390 | de    Germany
 0.10  0.09     10642288      350 | it    Italy
 0.07  0.04      4440513      239 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.05  0.12     14852228      181 | fi    Finland
 0.05  0.00       305971      179 | nl    Netherlands
 0.04  0.00       261203      136 | se    Sweden
 0.03  0.03      3445036      105 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.02  0.00       243117       83 | pl    Poland
 0.02  0.00       196191       71 | ca    Canada
 0.02  0.00        71558       63 | ch    Switzerland
 0.02  0.00        71884       58 | ro    Romania
 0.02  0.01       943533       52 | jp    Japan
 0.01  0.02      2769382       39 | int   International
 0.01  0.01       965886       35 | il    Israel
 0.01  0.00        97808       35 | au    Australia
 0.01  0.04      5034055       33 | si    Slovenia
 0.01  0.00        81118       32 | my    Malaysia
 0.01  0.00        74224       30 | be    Belgium
 0.01  0.00        60975       29 | no    Norway
 0.01  0.01       747603       27 | th    Thailand
 0.00  0.00        47645       16 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.00  0.00        46186        2 | tt    Trinidad and Tobago
 0.00  0.00        23256        2 | do    Dominican Republic
 0.00  0.00        27690        1 | sa    Saudi Arabia
 0.00  0.00        26529        1 | fr    France

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
58.83 61.73   7536317695   197090 | Unresolved
 5.30  2.41    294853830    17764 | lv.latnet
 2.45  2.67    326477470     8217 | lv.parks
 1.60  1.69    206780282     5349 | lv.apollo
 1.58  2.39    291845958     5292 | lv.lanet
 1.50  1.19    145154659     5023 | com.openfind
 1.37  1.14    138986341     4596 | lv.delfi.eth
 1.30  0.67     81236033     4371 | lv.btv
 1.16  0.99    120967958     3874 | lv.telekom
 1.03  1.97    240076097     3466 | lv.delfi
 0.93  0.69     84239692     3132 |
 0.91  2.11    257123192     3035 | lv.balticom
 0.81  0.45     54886043     2724 | lv.junik
 0.79  0.27     33046657     2641 | lv.ttinform
 0.74  0.62     75307830     2481 |
 0.72  0.41     50301805     2427 | lv.mpe
 0.69  0.79     96323239     2322 | lv.delfi.wl
 0.67  0.82    100709069     2238 |
 0.55  0.24     29149049     1859 | lv.teliamtc
 0.51  0.20     24588506     1694 |
 0.49  0.38     46976918     1644 | lv.delfi.dsl
 0.48  0.64     78389397     1608 | lv.delfi.tukums
 0.46  0.19     23062750     1541 | lv.dtc
 0.46  0.68     82480827     1526 | lv.energo
 0.44  0.19     23604247     1488 |
 0.39  0.12     14662917     1301 | lv.presesnams
 0.37  0.24     29802256     1230 | lv.tec2000
 0.36  0.09     11358484     1208 | com.netneo
 0.36  0.42     51235559     1204 | lv.spils
 0.35  0.90    110333986     1166 | lv.millenium
 0.35  0.10     12795177     1162 | lv.bokova
 0.32  0.32     39570455     1077 | lv.zednet
 0.30  0.28     34154833     1014 |
 0.30  0.50     60481604      997 | lv.undernet.dsl
 0.26  0.55     67142061      877 | lv.llu.cs
 0.26  0.27     32994816      860 |
 0.25  0.07      8884754      823 | lv.bofh.reznas
 0.23  0.17     20783819      774 | lv.delfi.hi
 0.21  0.21     26176289      693 | lv.osi
 0.21  0.20     24186642      692 |
 0.21  0.03      3328494      689 | lv.dpunet
 0.20  0.11     13412984      667 | com.telocity
 0.18  1.48    180406030      593 | lv.mic
 0.17  0.30     36474180      582 | lv.delfi.wl.a7
 0.17  0.10     12079021      582 | lv.lmt
 0.17  0.20     24819518      560 | lv.ober-haus
 0.17  0.07      8649901      557 | lv.rcc
 0.15  0.15     18032048      496 |
 0.15  0.06      7130892      492 | com.directhit
 0.14  0.22     26480085      475 | lv.swh

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.96  0.60     72849972     3217 | /
 0.27  0.18     21581377      898 | /internet.html
 0.21  0.13     15660223      705 | /system.html
 0.14  0.07      9106314      469 | /mmedia.html
 0.09  0.00       143330      309 | /localgp.html
 0.09  0.10     12110228      298 | /whatsnew.html
 0.06  0.04      5341498      216 | /business.html
 0.06  0.00        90846      190 | /localthemes.html
 0.05  0.08      9330456      170 | /toppicks.html
 0.05  0.03      3396805      167 | /home_ed.html
 0.04  0.02      2915585      131 | /system/preview/195370.html
 0.04  0.03      3680079      128 | /kids.html
 0.04  0.02      2978240      126 | /system/preview/195385.html
 0.04  0.03      3886366      121 | /system/vdat95.html
 0.03  0.06      7416042      117 | /glos.html
 0.03  0.02      2659954      107 | /system/preview/195381.html
 0.03  0.02      2557974      106 | /system/preview/194294.html
 0.03  0.27     33061385      100 | /system/utilmisc95.html
 0.03  0.04      5354340       94 | /monitor95.html
 0.03  0.57     69622158       93 | /files2/0822i32.exe
 0.03  0.05      5734135       93 | /help/glos.html
 0.03  0.02      1908692       93 | /system/adnload/195370_87001.html
 0.03  0.09     11582405       90 | /mmedia/audioplay.html
 0.03  0.07      8941257       90 | /ftp95.html
 0.03  0.03      3670356       87 | /cdrutil95.html
 0.03  0.00        41580       87 | /locallinux.html
 0.03  0.03      3064995       85 | /circ95.html
 0.02  0.00        25740       81 | /locallogo2.html
 0.02  0.23     28490431       80 | /files2/dap5.exe
 0.02  0.02      2413361       77 | /vdat95.html
 0.02  0.01      1513002       77 | /supersearch.html
 0.02  0.03      3471939       76 | /mmedia/mult95.html
 0.02  0.02      2690578       76 | /system/diag95.html
 0.02  0.02      1862348       75 | /preview/193995.html
 0.02  0.09     11256442       74 | /tool95.html
 0.02  0.05      6153110       74 | /mmedia/audiocon95.html
 0.02  0.62     75794187       72 | /files/winamp276_full.exe
 0.02  0.06      7873735       72 | /htmledit95.html
 0.02  0.28     33594058       71 | /files3/mirc591t.exe
 0.02  0.00        25218       71 | /win95.html
 0.02  0.05      6429272       69 | /web95.html
 0.02  0.04      4853831       69 | /system/virus95.html
 0.02  0.02      3005651       68 | /ftpserver95.html
 0.02  0.04      4274442       66 | /netmisc95.html
 0.02  0.01      1637231       66 | /preview/193867.html
 0.02  0.01      1546337       63 | /preview/195136.html
 0.02  0.01      1219932       63 | /system/adnload/194294_86874.html
 0.02  0.00        30766       63 | /news.html
 0.02  0.37     45768719       62 | /files4/winzip80.exe
 0.02  0.00        30060       62 | /kickoff.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0