World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 18:09:59 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Sep 1 2006 to Sep 30 2006

Requests Received During Summary Period          482557
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     31502653422
Average Requests Received Daily                   16085
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily              1050088447

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
45.43 44.21  13926019567   219214 | unresolved 
18.77 36.08  11366734743    90582 | lv    Latvia
15.96  4.61   1451437067    77038 | com   Commercial
 6.40  2.42    762922848    30901 | net   Network
 3.79  0.90    284892898    18266 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.91  0.66    208020169     4396 | nl    Netherlands
 0.60  0.14     43776863     2895 | edu   Educational
 0.51  0.35    109159126     2479 | de    Germany
 0.33  0.09     28896882     1616 | fr    France
 0.31  0.21     66815496     1497 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.27  0.23     71766067     1307 | lt    Lithuania
 0.24  0.10     33040079     1146 | pl    Poland
 0.23  0.03     10706307     1104 | in    India
 0.22  0.04     11956149     1066 | ca    Canada
 0.21  0.10     32937139      994 | it    Italy
 0.20  0.13     40814007      981 | ee    Estonia
 0.20  0.09     29843766      941 | se    Sweden
 0.18  0.07     21554580      889 | jp    Japan
 0.18  0.03      8243920      856 | au    Australia
 0.16  0.06     17757722      776 | br    Brazil
 0.15  0.02      7083111      701 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.14  0.07     21294146      673 | be    Belgium
 0.13  0.05     17081188      646 | ch    Switzerland
 0.12  0.03     10210743      600 | ua    Ukraine
 0.12  0.01      3970087      561 | gr    Greece
 0.12  0.09     29231078      558 | fi    Finland
 0.11  0.02      7047522      550 | mx    Mexico
 0.10  0.03      8402725      502 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.10  0.04     12746295      462 | il    Israel
 0.09  0.09     27218702      454 | dk    Denmark
 0.09  0.02      6466293      454 | by    Belarus
 0.09  2.70    851889306      449 | nu    Niue
 0.08  0.03      8633831      394 | bg    Bulgaria
 0.08  0.02      5339431      393 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.07  0.02      6316867      342 | no    Norway
 0.06  0.01      3543034      299 | int   International
 0.06  0.01      2968714      295 | ar    Argentina
 0.06  0.03      7983087      273 | es    Spain
 0.06  0.27     85232207      268 | gov   Government
 0.05  0.02      5723269      265 | tr    Turkey
 0.05  0.02      5344920      257 | at    Austria
 0.05  0.01      2986316      255 | biz   Businesses
 0.05  0.01      3682271      253 | hu    Hungary
 0.05  0.01      2006246      243 | my    Malaysia
 0.05  0.00       986746      233 | info  Unrestricted Use
 0.05  0.02      7795718      229 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.05  0.01      2450720      226 | sg    Singapore
 0.05  0.06     18740549      223 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.04  0.01      1995920      184 | md    Moldova
 0.04  0.01      1859563      180 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
45.43 44.21  13926019567   219214 | Unresolved
 8.49  2.54    798841713    40973 | com.inktomisearch
 2.52  0.43    136259262    12139 | com.msn
 1.66  5.41   1705306333     7992 | gbl.phx
 1.58  0.01      1651338     7605 |
 1.43  4.72   1486508958     6899 | lv.lanet
 1.40  0.14     42535380     6750 | lv.lf
 1.37  0.24     76304765     6591 | com.googlebot
 1.23  0.16     51400463     5927 |
 1.13  7.37   2322031483     5443 |
 1.09  1.64    517337928     5246 | lv.balticom
 1.07  2.80    882280261     5179 |
 0.95  0.26     81893043     4571 | lv.btv
 0.62  0.23     72655837     2992 |
 0.46  0.08     25076734     2201 |
 0.44  0.39    122666878     2128 | lv.datagrupa
 0.39  2.42    763477258     1865 |
 0.36  0.03      8087684     1723 | lv.ldz
 0.34  0.01      2215146     1655 |
 0.33  0.09     27755281     1590 | com.ask
 0.33  0.12     38318220     1580 | ru.mtu-net.pppoe
 0.31  3.56   1120639368     1492 | lv.mpe
 0.31  0.01      3419199     1480 | lv.latnet
 0.30  0.98    309074871     1464 | lv.rcc
 0.27  0.33    102902458     1321 |
 0.25  0.03      7985230     1192 | woo.fwbg2bibae01-vlan3501
 0.24  0.17     55101735     1144 | nl.chello.upc-a
 0.22  0.10     31454498     1084 | lv.svnets
 0.19  0.04     12982908      928 |
 0.18  0.11     35682921      873 |
 0.18  0.02      5687839      847 | lv.tilde
 0.17  0.49    154686179      806 | lv.lub
 0.16  0.21     64686723      793 |
 0.15  0.01      4260838      735 | ru.wwwcom
 0.15  0.02      7318224      719 | com.picsearch
 0.15  0.13     41964526      716 | lv.pirmabanka
 0.14  0.02      5076794      680 | lv.altava
 0.14  0.12     36951977      660 | nl.chello.upc-h
 0.13  0.05     15803835      626 | lv.spektrs
 0.13  0.02      7645325      625 | lv.apollo
 0.13  0.08     25845304      613 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.13  0.08     25305539      609 | net.twtelecom.static
 0.13  0.44    137395160      606 | lv.parex
 0.12  0.03     10298602      603 | lv.alise
 0.12  1.01    316626723      601 | lv.hbl
 0.12  0.02      7320306      601 | com.teoma
 0.12  1.29    407682841      586 |
 0.12  0.03     10253053      574 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.11  0.07     22423696      551 |
 0.11  0.02      5611300      546 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 1.34  0.02      5521808     6485 | /
 0.72  0.12     38761800     3461 | /~sd10104/
 0.34  0.35    111513878     1648 | /~julita/liml/limliets.htm
 0.21  0.00      1396531     1031 | /~gunarss/
 0.19  0.03      8521132      913 | /~sd90079/
 0.17  0.01      2996313      806 | /~ludarbi/
 0.15  0.02      5039707      742 | /~erikab/
 0.13  0.00       740070      618 | /~rbalodis/
 0.13  0.01      2196909      605 | /~erikab/Starptautiskas_tiesibas.html
 0.12  0.00       857550      602 | /~harijs/Macibu%20materiali%20,teksti/
 0.12  0.00       622662      594 | /~gunarss/Izlaiduma%20foto/
 0.11  0.02      5282466      539 | /~sd70058/aboutos/node65.html
 0.11  0.00       891110      530 | /~rbalodis/Konstitucionalas%20Tiesibas/
 0.11  0.00       684601      529 | /~gunarss/Dienas_nod/
 0.11  0.00       434430      523 | /~gunarss/Magistratuura/
 0.10  0.02      6693715      488 | /~henrijs/
 0.10  0.01      3626176      466 | /~asi/
 0.09  0.01      2603384      452 | /~sd70058/aboutos/node55.html
 0.09  0.08     25984223      438 | /~jharja/eksp_fiz/dinam1_pr.pdf
 0.09  0.06     18732494      434 | /~gunarss/Izlaiduma%20foto/LU%20jur.%20fak.%20bakalauru%20izlaidums%202006_CD1/
 0.09  0.11     35304395      424 | /~mauzins/Talks/Septembirs_2006_1.pdf
 0.09  0.00        68828      420 | /~sd20113/
 0.08  0.00       910331      409 | /~evital/
 0.08  0.06     17787929      406 | /~ludarbi/marketing/
 0.08  0.00       293722      403 | /~julita/liml/
 0.08  0.00       326876      397 | /~harijs/
 0.08  0.00       131211      380 | /~sd20113/news.html
 0.08  0.00       365183      379 | /~evital/Ruuda/Ruuda.html
 0.08  0.00        72556      376 | /~sd20113/logo.html
 0.08  0.00       206324      373 | /~sd20113/menu.html
 0.07  0.09     28143371      355 | /~jharja/skolotaji/go_web.pdf
 0.07  0.12     36772090      341 | /~erikab/Starptautiskas_publiskas_tiesibas/universala_jurisdikcija_sakums.pdf
 0.07  0.00      1067652      337 | /~julita/rudens.htm
 0.07  0.00       381317      334 | /~rbalodis/Programmas/
 0.07  0.00      1265523      329 | /~sd60011/LV/guest.htm
 0.07  0.02      7276476      327 | /~rbalodis/Konstitucionalas%20Tiesibas/raksti/Federalisms_ka_taisnigas_parvaldes_instruments.doc
 0.07  0.05     15321674      323 | /~sd10033/kult_vest/Grieku%20un%20romiesu%20mitologija.doc
 0.07  0.00      1509750      322 | /~julita/julit.htm
 0.07  0.00      1145204      322 | /~mihails/tt2/
 0.06  0.00       739203      311 | /~erikab/Starptautiskas_publiskas_tiesibas/Dienas_nodala.html
 0.06  0.01      3207473      306 | /~julita/jap.htm
 0.06  0.00       404104      294 | /~harijs/Macibu%20materiali%20,teksti/VesturesBakalauruProgrammas/
 0.06  0.00       375939      291 | /~gunarss/Vakara_nod/
 0.06  0.00       312984      288 | /~aivarsl/
 0.06  0.00       415772      286 | /~gunarss/Magistratuura/Banku%20Tiesiibas/
 0.06  0.00       201726      283 | /~sanita/Lekcijas/
 0.06  0.00       688338      282 | /~harijs/Macibu%20materiali%20,teksti/S.AustrumuVesturesTexti/
 0.06  0.00       338616      281 | /~harijs/Macibu%20materiali%20,teksti/KAmacibuMateriali/
 0.06  0.73    230184280      278 | /~erikab/Starptautiskas_publiskas_tiesibas/papildmaterials%20Publiskajas%20tiesibas%201.doc
 0.06  0.01      1695560      275 | /~sd70058/aboutos/node66.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0