World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 22:19:41 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Mar 1 2008 to Mar 31 2008

Requests Received During Summary Period          549324
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     23694130525
Average Requests Received Daily                   17720
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               764326791

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
59.41 55.04  13041213321   326376 | unresolved 
14.96 26.10   6183824557    82206 | lv    Latvia
10.91  6.52   1545369556    59912 | net   Network
 5.19  3.43    813309381    28518 | com   Commercial
 2.92  2.69    638363529    16015 | ru    Russian Federation
 1.28  2.53    599373651     7056 | lt    Lithuania
 0.62  0.37     88773024     3429 | de    Germany
 0.51  0.26     61399217     2808 | ee    Estonia
 0.32  0.01      1772496     1759 | cn    China
 0.30  0.33     77779180     1631 | ua    Ukraine
 0.24  0.16     38941724     1327 | nl    Netherlands
 0.23  0.15     36088232     1284 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.23  0.13     31651677     1269 | be    Belgium
 0.21  0.19     45023348     1149 | it    Italy
 0.19  0.05     11067043     1028 | dk    Denmark
 0.16  0.14     33805866      893 | edu   Educational
 0.15  0.09     22421631      836 | fi    Finland
 0.14  0.22     52016696      780 | se    Sweden
 0.12  0.09     20912581      686 | ca    Canada
 0.11  0.08     18231106      627 | pl    Poland
 0.09  0.06     13139742      511 | ch    Switzerland
 0.08  0.10     24015267      445 | gr    Greece
 0.08  0.02      5310278      444 | in    India
 0.08  0.06     15102263      440 | int   International
 0.07  0.06     14013062      409 | by    Belarus
 0.07  0.03      6286534      394 | tw    Taiwan
 0.07  0.16     36918388      369 | fr    France
 0.06  0.03      7419004      334 | jp    Japan
 0.06  0.06     14480036      315 | au    Australia
 0.05  0.05     12463353      288 | ie    Ireland
 0.05  0.02      3593304      251 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.04  0.03      8258502      245 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.04  0.03      7995366      235 | no    Norway
 0.04  0.01      2372587      234 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.04  0.06     13443973      233 | pt    Portugal
 0.04  0.04      8427737      233 | at    Austria
 0.04  0.01      1489594      198 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.03  0.01      2513534      181 | ro    Romania
 0.03  0.01      1910890      158 | my    Malaysia
 0.03  0.02      3940451      150 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.03  0.02      3802251      149 | gov   Government
 0.03  0.02      4415040      146 | es    Spain
 0.03  0.04      9085239      145 | il    Israel
 0.03  0.03      7731012      141 | id    Indonesia
 0.03  0.01      1327238      141 | mx    Mexico
 0.02  0.01      1204469      135 | tr    Turkey
 0.02  0.03      6394127      133 | br    Brazil
 0.02  0.03      7198485      112 | kz    Kazakhstan
 0.02  0.01      1619586      112 | md    Moldova
 0.02  0.00      1007917      109 | info  Unrestricted Use

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
59.41 55.04  13041213321   326376 | Unresolved
 6.26  3.54    838341942    34390 |
 2.35  3.88    919751369    12905 | lv.lanet
 1.45  1.45    342415128     7940 | com.googlebot
 1.17  0.66    155479615     6439 |
 1.12  1.15    273505584     6160 | lv.balticom
 0.81  0.81    191618795     4444 | lv.btv
 0.46  0.06     14500569     2507 |
 0.45  2.39    565263357     2487 |
 0.43  0.51    120903401     2353 |
 0.42  0.06     14985914     2284 |
 0.41  0.22     53196747     2229 |
 0.38  0.30     70109780     2093 | lv.aldems
 0.37  0.08     17889552     2045 |
 0.33  0.07     16451432     1803 | com.msn
 0.32  0.27     64123822     1759 | ru.mtu-net.pppoe
 0.29  0.25     59981731     1603 | lt.vdnet
 0.29  0.00       960197     1603 |
 0.27  0.23     55486298     1470 | lv.atech
 0.26  0.11     26750994     1401 | lt.zebra.ip
 0.24  2.00    474462323     1327 | lt.splius
 0.23  0.46    108563128     1288 | net.ukrtel.pool
 0.23  0.37     86695189     1288 |
 0.23  0.14     33317325     1268 |
 0.23  0.00       750547     1253 | net.totisp
 0.23  0.04      9729325     1240 | lt.pfi
 0.22  0.02      4265536     1220 |
 0.21  0.28     66163109     1137 | ru.corbina.broadband
 0.20  0.17     41178656     1103 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.19  0.23     54937037     1051 | lv.lub
 0.19  0.49    116080506     1030 |
 0.18  0.00       668177      983 | net.triera.cable
 0.18  0.01      1887994      977 | lv.mits.lan.2.p2.home.58.113
 0.17  0.19     44265241      950 | lv.mpe
 0.17  0.10     23855422      933 | lv.triatel.dialup
 0.16  0.09     21969913      902 | lv.micronet
 0.16  0.18     42900260      865 | lv.unistars
 0.16  0.02      4876839      862 | net.sbcglobal.peoril.dsl
 0.16  0.54    127944625      861 | lv.csb
 0.14  0.10     23810160      787 |
 0.14  0.07     16254314      761 | gbl.phx
 0.13  0.27     63318013      741 | net.opera-mini
 0.13  0.07     17145139      740 | com.ask
 0.13  0.16     38269568      724 |
 0.13  0.25     58403389      711 | lv.skopina
 0.13  0.05     12034831      706 | net.deac
 0.13  0.11     25234705      700 |
 0.13  0.03      7491966      692 | com.picsearch
 0.12  0.18     42247756      656 | ru.avangarddsl.pppoe
 0.11  0.02      4914971      627 | lv.livas.0

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 1.30  0.01      2955508     7140 | /
 0.47  0.05     11564135     2575 | /~ludarbi/marketing/
 0.46  0.09     21785699     2500 | /~ileon/
 0.29  0.01      1794204     1609 | /~aivarsl/
 0.29  0.10     22743793     1601 | /~ileon/Eiropas_sav_tiesibas/Eiropas_sav.tiesibas_materiali.htm
 0.25  0.51    120623629     1378 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_projektu_vadiba_teo_rokasgramata_iesacejam_projekta_vaditajam.pdf
 0.21  0.01      3111824     1172 | /~aivarsl/Komerctiesibu%20PP%20prezentacijas-2008/
 0.21  0.02      4483296     1164 | /~sd60011/LV/guest.htm
 0.20  0.61    143854255     1115 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/SKT_001.pdf
 0.19  0.04      9796085     1026 | /~sd90079/
 0.13  0.62    147249153      723 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_teo_sociala_psihologija_saskarsmes_psihologija.doc
 0.12  0.23     53905211      669 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/raksti/Balodis%20Ringolds%20Par_Francijas_konstituciju.pdf
 0.12  0.14     32912284      665 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_tirgvedibas_petisana_teo_marketinga_petijums.doc
 0.12  0.00       883746      653 | /~aivarsl/Seminaru%20uzdevumi%202008/
 0.12  0.56    132194390      652 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/FEDERALISMS.pdf
 0.12  0.02      3692754      637 | /~ludarbi/
 0.12  0.59    139196992      636 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/prezidents.pdf
 0.11  0.01      1581400      631 | /~asi/AOMD6/page4.htm
 0.11  0.39     93047911      629 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/United_Kingdom_handouti.pdf
 0.11  0.00      1031334      618 | /~asi/AOMD6/page3.htm
 0.11  0.00       302792      614 | /~asi/AOMD6/index.htm
 0.11  0.00       863750      611 | /~asi/AOMD6/page2.htm
 0.11  0.12     29320783      600 | /~sd10033/kult_vest/Grieku%20un%20romiesu%20mitologija.doc
 0.10  0.19     44011947      527 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/raksti/Balodis%20Ringolds%20Par%20%20UK%20konstituciju.pdf
 0.09  0.16     38696767      520 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/raksti/Balodis%20Ringolds%20Par%20UK%20%20parlamentu.pdf
 0.09  0.01      1249804      487 | /~evital/
 0.08  0.22     52837569      463 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/monarhs.pdf
 0.08  0.14     34270895      446 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/SKT_002.pdf
 0.08  0.08     17810770      446 | /~sd10033/kult_vest/jugendstils_romantisms_baroks_klas.doc
 0.08  0.13     31790437      441 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/raksti/Balodis%20Ringolds%20Par%20Federalismu.pdf
 0.08  0.12     28763192      438 | /~julita/liml/limliets.htm
 0.08  0.01      1719698      433 | /~tschmit1/
 0.08  0.01      2991328      422 | /~asi/
 0.08  0.02      4475063      421 | /~ileon/Starptautiskas_publiskas_tiesibas/starptautiskas_publiskas.htm
 0.07  0.06     14783438      409 | /~julita/mani_suni/mazisuni.htm
 0.07  0.59    139657915      407 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/VFR_handouti.pdf
 0.07  0.83    196871402      392 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_pateretaju_uzvediba_ref_reklamas_ietekme_uz_pateretaju.doc
 0.07  0.00       980491      386 | /~slacis/LB2008/LB2008celi.html
 0.07  0.18     42935905      384 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_cenu_veidosanas_strategijas_teo.doc
 0.07  0.01      2172391      382 | /~tschmit1/home.htm
 0.07  0.00        99048      378 | /~ileon/Eiropas_sav_tiesibas/
 0.07  0.00      1116149      366 | /~tschmit1/Rahmen-Seite.htm
 0.07  0.07     17176416      363 | /~ileon/Eiropas_sav_tiesibas/Eiropas_savieniba_PLK_bez_vardiem.xls
 0.06  0.00       468894      354 | /~rbalodis/
 0.06  0.00       251118      334 | /~aivarsl/Komerctiesibu%20programma%202007/
 0.06  0.09     20202406      331 | /~iga/zod_history.html
 0.06  0.10     23538576      329 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_ref_tiesa_tirgvediba_narvessen_fransize.doc
 0.06  0.00       469613      328 | /~jc/kursi/diskr/slud.htm
 0.06  0.57    135455296      325 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_bakalaura_darbs_Auto_Tirgus.doc
 0.06  0.48    114449904      324 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti/Francija_handouti.pdf

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0