World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 21:09:12 (GMT +0200)

Totals for Summary Period: Jan 1 2010 to Jan 31 2010

Requests Received During Summary Period            3751
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      2976275335
Average Requests Received Daily                     121
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                96008882

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
39.96  9.22    274448143     1499 | com   Commercial
22.34 30.90    919686032      838 | unresolved 
12.66 19.02    566095035      475 | net   Network
 7.46  0.02       577159      280 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 6.50 11.92    354673759      244 | ru    Russian Federation
 1.68  3.85    114598643       63 | se    Sweden
 1.04  1.20     35635505       39 | de    Germany
 0.91  0.75     22459175       34 | lv    Latvia
 0.88  0.00        18687       33 | gr    Greece
 0.80  2.24     66526089       30 | in    India
 0.67  0.01       258618       25 | cn    China
 0.53  1.11     33020003       20 | hu    Hungary
 0.40  0.63     18656624       15 | fr    France
 0.35  4.95    147398963       13 | sa    Saudi Arabia
 0.29  3.35     99673667       11 | lt    Lithuania
 0.24  1.10     32734120        9 | fi    Finland
 0.24  0.47     13857711        9 | ro    Romania
 0.21  1.42     42237696        8 | su    USSR (former)
 0.19  0.13      3849452        7 | th    Thailand
 0.19  0.01       346284        7 | mx    Mexico
 0.16  1.89     56352823        6 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.16  1.43     42567003        6 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.16  0.03       945400        6 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.13  0.83     24689371        5 | jp    Japan
 0.13  0.25      7332685        5 | ee    Estonia
 0.13  0.01       299589        5 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.11  1.37     40904378        4 | no    Norway
 0.11  0.20      5982870        4 | ar    Argentina
 0.11  0.18      5461333        4 | co    Colombia
 0.11  0.13      3939590        4 | ca    Canada
 0.11  0.11      3238794        4 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.11  0.00         3004        4 | it    Italy
 0.08  0.08      2345530        3 | at    Austria
 0.08  0.02       577294        3 | ua    Ukraine
 0.08  0.00          300        3 | mu    Mauritius
 0.05  0.40     12002035        2 | pe    Peru
 0.05  0.13      3852672        2 | ie    Ireland
 0.05  0.09      2789317        2 | il    Israel
 0.03  0.29      8677745        1 | mk    Macedonia
 0.03  0.13      3992576        1 | ma    Morocco
 0.03  0.04      1283475        1 | dk    Denmark
 0.03  0.02       662836        1 | tt    Trinidad and Tobago
 0.03  0.02       587817        1 | md    Moldova
 0.03  0.01       366338        1 | gh    Ghana
 0.03  0.01       332737        1 | uy    Uruguay
 0.03  0.00       139032        1 | be    Belgium
 0.03  0.00        69345        1 | sg    Singapore
 0.03  0.00        53626        1 | pk    Pakistan
 0.03  0.00        33047        1 | kh    Cambodia
 0.03  0.00        19706        1 | rs    Serbia

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
33.43  0.01       250800     1254 | com.tucows
22.34 30.90    919686032      838 | Unresolved
 7.70  5.32    158220563      289 |
 7.17  0.00       105505      269 | org.portscout
 2.03  0.00        46251       76 |
 1.73  2.51     74714741       65 | com.googlebot
 1.65  0.00        36084       62 |
 1.20  3.03     90208152       45 |
 0.88  0.00        18687       33 | gr.forthnet.dyn.dsl.214.57.49
 0.83  0.75     22408482       31 | lv.lanet
 0.67  0.03       982937       25 | com.cuil
 0.61  0.00         9499       23 |
 0.59  1.23     36546707       22 | com.telia.tbcn
 0.56  0.00        15771       21 | com.as13448
 0.37  0.77     23010899       14 | se.comhem.bredband
 0.35  0.36     10730450       13 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.35  0.18      5352524       13 | ru.corbina.broadband
 0.32  4.95    147276428       12 |
 0.32  1.23     36579950       12 | net.proxad.fbx
 0.32  0.42     12578484       12 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.32  0.00         4728       12 | net.p6m7g8
 0.27  0.00         5820       10 | org.dotnetdotcom
 0.24  1.69     50335369        9 | net.mediaways.pool
 0.21  1.34     39939430        8 | net.well-com
 0.21  0.01       149615        8 | ru.dslavangard.komi.dynamic
 0.21  0.00         3304        8 |
 0.19  2.31     68789515        7 | ru.ext.catv
 0.19  0.07      1941627        7 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.19  0.01       260552        7 | su.stv
 0.16  0.15      4547040        6 | ru.corbina.static
 0.16  0.01       199436        6 | lt.zebra.static
 0.16  0.01       155101        6 | ru.mtu-net.pppoe
 0.13  0.36     10679747        5 | hu.t-online.pool
 0.13  0.26      7834717        5 | de.alicedsl.adsl
 0.13  0.25      7294605        5 | se.tele2.cust
 0.13  0.23      6895906        5 | ru.migtel.dnat
 0.13  0.22      6414432        5 | net.ukrtel.pool
 0.13  0.04      1285430        5 | ru.avangarddsl.pppoe
 0.11  0.15      4575825        4 | ru.baltnet
 0.11  0.12      3685211        4 |
 0.11  0.05      1458410        4 | net.romtelecom
 0.11  0.02       698730        4 | net.hinet.dynamic
 0.11  0.00        46360        4 |
 0.11  0.00         2328        4 | com.spry.tuk
 0.08  3.43    102139625        3 | com.telia
 0.08  0.54     16090050        3 | ru.amurcity
 0.08  0.41     12158741        3 | se.sgsnet.hlm
 0.08  0.39     11472406        3 | net.transtelecom
 0.08  0.30      8948374        3 | com.bredband2.cust
 0.08  0.26      7768277        3 | ro.rdsnet

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 3.44  0.02       522169      129 | /files/gtkgep-0.2.2-src.tgz
 2.72  0.00        20400      102 | /files/p4_linux2.4.0
 2.64  4.77    141832142       99 | /files/quicktime4linux-2.0.0-src.tar.bz2
 2.11  4.92    146328443       79 | /files/console/entertain/quake2-3.20-glibc-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
 1.25  0.19      5660594       47 | /files/usbview-1.0.tar.gz
 1.09  3.58    106608616       41 | /files/x11/office/anfy-0.92.tar.gz
 1.07  0.92     27487552       40 | /files/putty-0.60.tar.gz
 0.83  0.01       416500       31 | /files/klotski-beta1.0.tar.bz2
 0.83  0.00         7037       31 | /.mirror_timestamp_z1
 0.83  0.00         7037       31 | /.mirror_timestamp_a
 0.80  0.19      5790446       30 | /files/jabber-1.4.2.tar.gz
 0.77  1.33     39715978       29 | /files/console/dev/pl-5.0.10-93.i386.rpm
 0.77  0.05      1528808       29 | /files/console/dev/tavrasm.tar.gz
 0.67  2.05     61113190       25 | /files/console/dev/gnat-3.13p-docs.tar.gz
 0.61  0.02       540466       23 | /files/console/dev/sdcc-2.2.0a.tar.gz
 0.56  0.05      1428532       21 | /files/x11/file/
 0.56  0.03       747768       21 | /files/kturtle-0.1.tgz
 0.56  0.01       423016       21 | /files/gpart-0.1h.tar.gz
 0.51  7.05    209909608       19 | /files/Mobility-2.00.tar.gz
 0.51  1.62     48089496       19 | /files/IB65_eval_linux.gz
 0.51  0.43     12900824       19 | /files/dosemu-
 0.45  0.00         3400       17 | /files/console/system/mpich.tar.gz
 0.43  0.10      2961697       16 | /files/expect-5.32.1.tar.gz
 0.40  0.00         3000       15 | /files/x11/scientific/felt-3.0-LinuxELF.tar.gz
 0.37  7.00    208426067       14 | /files/VMware-workstation-5.5.0-18463.tar.gz
 0.37  0.14      4264424       14 | /files/x11/scientific/molmol-2.6.0-src.tar.gz
 0.37  0.06      1903379       14 | /files/
 0.37  0.01       305266       14 | /files/x11/scientific/mtk-1.3.0.tar.gz
 0.35  0.55     16395287       13 | /files/superupdate.exe
 0.35  0.01       314964       13 | /files/rcs_dev2K-1.52.tar.Z
 0.35  0.00       110368       13 | /files/console/servers/squidtaild-2.1a6.tgz
 0.32  0.36     10737980       12 | /files/console/scientific/pointerpaper.3.1.PDF
 0.32  0.32      9402978       12 | /files/gameeditor123.tar.bz2
 0.32  0.18      5223764       12 | /files/kino-0.7.0.tar.gz
 0.32  0.04      1105855       12 | /files/kde/network/ksniffer-0.1.6.src.tgz
 0.32  0.03       974136       12 | /files/x11/file/linuxcmd-0.5.2.tar.gz
 0.32  0.03       756825       12 | /files/wchat-1.2.6.tar.gz
 0.32  0.00         2400       12 | /files/bypass_client_linux.bin
 0.29  0.18      5320328       11 | /files/galeon-1.2.14.tar.gz
 0.29  0.11      3262030       11 | /files/HumanKitty.tar.gz
 0.29  0.06      1760763       11 | /files/divx4linux-std-20030428.tar.gz
 0.29  0.04      1257139       11 | /files/x11/entertain/batnav-0.60.tar.gz
 0.29  0.03       809973       11 | /files/proxychains-2.1.tar.gz
 0.27  0.63     18824884       10 | /files/noegnud0.8.3linuxsrcmin.tar.gz
 0.27  0.22      6418375       10 | /files/Unreal3.2-beta19.tar.gz
 0.27  0.06      1867106       10 | /files/gd-2.0.33.tar.gz
 0.27  0.02       552776       10 | /files/x11/graphics/ghostview-1.5.tar.gz
 0.27  0.00        60140       10 | /files/console/servers/netkit-bootparamd-0.10.tar.gz
 0.27  0.00        54188       10 | /files/console/system/read-edid.tar.gz
 0.24  1.58     47084577        9 | /files/twlinall_sp3a.tgz

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0