World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:27:22 (GMT +0200)

Totals for Summary Period: Nov 1 2010 to Nov 30 2010

Requests Received During Summary Period          530416
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     61000022708
Average Requests Received Daily                   17681
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily              2033334090

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
46.70 56.48  34451513734   247726 | unresolved 
20.06  6.45   3932814378   106377 | com   Commercial
18.50 22.39  13655172828    98132 | lv    Latvia
 5.48  3.51   2140214644    29064 | ru    Russian Federation
 3.84  4.58   2792122515    20372 | net   Network
 1.03  0.36    220324102     5439 | de    Germany
 0.38  0.15     91615297     2002 | lt    Lithuania
 0.36  0.06     34726120     1883 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.30  0.12     71381557     1572 | ua    Ukraine
 0.22  0.06     39185967     1164 | ee    Estonia
 0.19  0.09     55809927     1013 | at    Austria
 0.17  0.17    105900513      919 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.13  0.06     39420070      693 | pl    Poland
 0.12  0.09     55991406      637 | nl    Netherlands
 0.12  0.10     59413653      635 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.12  0.03     19731820      611 | by    Belarus
 0.11  0.09     56383492      583 | edu   Educational
 0.11  0.05     32316783      562 | it    Italy
 0.10  0.08     48558813      519 | fr    France
 0.10  0.18    112256056      506 | jp    Japan
 0.09  0.04     23706619      497 | ch    Switzerland
 0.09  0.02     12962615      460 | br    Brazil
 0.09  0.11     65695504      455 | in    India
 0.08  0.05     31020737      450 | se    Sweden
 0.08  0.02      9464788      412 | dk    Denmark
 0.08  2.05   1252632386      411 | cn    China
 0.08  0.08     49310270      407 | my    Malaysia
 0.07  0.02     12578854      354 | md    Moldova
 0.06  0.01      8892939      339 | eu    European Union
 0.06  0.09     56457370      332 | pt    Portugal
 0.06  0.11     66455646      326 | ca    Canada
 0.06  0.07     41254277      310 | kz    Kazakhstan
 0.06  0.02      9806067      309 | hu    Hungary
 0.06  0.01      7750478      295 | be    Belgium
 0.05  0.01      7575477      273 | th    Thailand
 0.05  0.03     20707622      271 | fi    Finland
 0.05  0.05     31052719      267 | ie    Ireland
 0.05  0.01      6293956      253 | no    Norway
 0.05  0.02     14595790      248 | tr    Turkey
 0.04  0.02     14762347      197 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.04  0.01      7505969      189 | gr    Greece
 0.03  0.01      4365733      182 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.03  0.01      4766689      176 | ro    Romania
 0.03  0.01      8597090      164 | tv    Tuvalu
 0.03  0.28    172017864      133 | sg    Singapore
 0.02  0.01      4087649      119 | id    Indonesia
 0.02  0.50    306269069      112 | tw    Taiwan
 0.02  0.00      1600912      104 | mil   US Military
 0.02  0.06     34938605      102 | au    Australia
 0.02  0.01      4184646       98 | bg    Bulgaria

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
46.70 56.48  34451513734   247726 | Unresolved
11.41  1.03    629743274    60509 | com.upup
 3.51  4.48   2732359393    18596 | lv.lanet
 3.45  3.31   2019061269    18276 | com.googlebot
 2.81  0.75    454873697    14886 |
 1.77  1.38    842677469     9375 | lv.balticom
 1.26  0.99    605620319     6693 | lv.zb
 1.12  1.18    717795137     5943 |
 1.10  1.39    845603907     5852 |
 0.90  0.59    362710709     4792 | lv.tele2.cust
 0.88  0.15     94108045     4667 | com.pingdom
 0.86  0.62    375783953     4576 |
 0.83  0.60    367935453     4377 | lv.icom
 0.77  0.46    282552766     4105 | lv.btv
 0.69  0.01      6468975     3656 | com.jeppesen
 0.58  0.18    107868243     3051 | ru.corbina.broadband
 0.52  0.99    601871980     2766 | lv.lub
 0.49  0.52    319583102     2582 |
 0.48  0.03     18821409     2565 | com.domaindb
 0.43  0.34    208103664     2276 | lv.ngn
 0.41  0.19    115069073     2156 | net.ukrtel.pool
 0.35  0.40    243161094     1865 | ru.ertelecom.kirov.pppoe
 0.34  0.25    152702406     1822 | lv.bitemobile
 0.32  0.15     92660460     1680 | net.opera-mini
 0.31  0.01      7238361     1669 | com.serverloft
 0.28  0.02     11555035     1470 | org.dotnetdotcom
 0.26  0.46    283188189     1381 |
 0.26  0.12     74203059     1365 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.26  0.03     19744724     1364 | net.mediaways.pool
 0.24  0.31    189732803     1293 |
 0.24  0.01      6886155     1250 | com.2dayhost
 0.23  0.24    144353384     1236 | lv.aldems
 0.19  0.17    103666111     1023 | lv.mpe
 0.18  0.26    159671995      981 | lv.venta
 0.18  0.27    165188965      939 | lv.livas.6
 0.17  0.13     80666897      924 | lv.riga
 0.17  0.07     45199780      913 | lt.inturbo
 0.17  2.95   1799473213      881 | lv.livas.148
 0.16  0.01      4035688      837 | com.theplanet.static.85ae.5
 0.14  0.16     97970778      745 | lv.atech
 0.14  0.26    157447949      723 | lv.turiba
 0.12  0.05     31585810      655 | lv.ultracom
 0.12  0.05     31112663      650 | de.alicedsl.adsl
 0.12  0.14     87858594      642 |
 0.12  0.05     30511257      614 | lv.starnet
 0.11  0.49    299523059      580 |
 0.11  0.05     32374116      576 | lv.csb
 0.10  0.12     74917090      551 | lv.silale
 0.10  0.02     15081903      542 | de.superkabel
 0.10  0.04     24305412      539 | net.arcor-ip.pools

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 1.07  0.46    279590836     5690 | /~ileon/Starptautisk%C4%81s%20publisk%C4%81s%20ties%C4%ABbas_2010_rudens/papildmaterials_st_publ_ties.pdf
 1.03  0.78    474063071     5480 | /~carkova/lv/studentiem/dokumenti/Stat.pdf
 0.84  0.18    109287561     4457 | /~ileon/Starptautisk%C4%81s%20publisk%C4%81s%20ties%C4%ABbas_2010_rudens/Starptautiskas_publiskas_tiesibas.htm
 0.79  0.14     82447343     4210 | /~ileon/
 0.74  0.00      2810114     3904 | /
 0.71 22.66  13822704345     3762 | /~julita/sa/Skumju_Akmenji-Saule_noriet_pedejo_reizi.mp3
 0.55  0.02      9844210     2896 | /~tbruv/CTK2/
 0.44  0.82    497406448     2314 | /~ileon/Starptautisk%C4%81s%20publisk%C4%81s%20ties%C4%ABbas_2010_rudens/P.Allott_State%20Responsibility.pdf
 0.28  5.93   3619880877     1494 | /~ileon/Tiesu_izspelu_atlases_bildes/bildes_2010.pdf
 0.27  0.05     31585222     1417 | /~tbruv/CTK2/Rozenfelds.shtml
 0.26  0.19    116992334     1362 | /~tschmit1/Downloads/Schmitz_Eiropas-tiesibu-pamattermini.pdf
 0.24  0.01      4455735     1286 | /~ludarbi/marketing/
 0.24  0.00      1177298     1264 | /~balodis/
 0.23  1.79   1089574942     1234 | /~s10178/sixrevolutions.pdf
 0.22  0.46    281476078     1168 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_teo_sociala_psihologija_saskarsmes_psihologija.doc
 0.20  0.00      1705802     1059 | /~balodis/CT_Visp.dala/
 0.19  0.20    123752815     1022 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Federalisms/FEDERALISMS.pdf
 0.19  0.08     47091229     1013 | /~tschmit1/Downloads/Poddubny-and-others_Relevant_ECJ-Cases.pdf
 0.19  0.12     71295587      997 | /~tbruv/CTK2/Rozenfelds/tiesibas%20uz%20cita%20lietu.pdf
 0.16  0.14     84118333      860 | /~ileon/Starptautisk%C4%81s%20publisk%C4%81s%20ties%C4%ABbas_2010_rudens/Starptautisko%20ties%C4%ABbu%20nodarb%C4%ABbu%20grafiks%20ar%20literat%C5%ABru%20(1).pdf
 0.16  0.14     82594215      846 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti_Arvalstu/UK_handouti.pdf
 0.16  0.09     54746918      846 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_tirgvedibas_petisana_teo_marketinga_petijums.doc
 0.14  0.20    119782857      751 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_cenu_veidosanas_strategijas_teo2.doc
 0.13  0.15     92625157      664 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Valsts_Galva/prezidents.pdf
 0.12  0.00      1451782      659 | /~harijs/Macibu%20materiali%20,teksti/
 0.12  0.04     25494798      645 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Valsts_Galva/Prezidenti_ES.pdf
 0.12  0.09     53854814      621 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Teorija/Konstituciionalisms.pdf
 0.12  0.00       773238      610 | /~balodis/KomTies_JurZ1040/
 0.11  0.13     78081558      602 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti_Arvalstu/VFR_handouti.pdf
 0.11  0.08     48778790      598 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Valsts_Galva/monarhs.pdf
 0.11  0.00       686642      593 | /~aivarsl/
 0.11  0.00      2007488      591 | /~harijs/Macibu%20materiali%20,teksti/Griekijas%20Seminaru%20materiali/
 0.11  0.33    198778058      585 | /~urozev/bm/
 0.11  0.16     96073171      585 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Handouti_Arvalstu/Francija_handouti.pdf
 0.11  0.01      5241997      567 | /~sd90079/
 0.11  0.47    284973993      563 | /~ibula/lv/studentiem/mikroviss1.pdf
 0.10  0.03     19007677      552 | /~ileon/Starptautisk%C4%81s%20publisk%C4%81s%20ties%C4%ABbas_2010_rudens/PLK_3.kurss_2010._2011.1.kd_bez_vardiem.pdf
 0.10  0.07     43968472      524 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Teorija/Konstituciionalisma_Galvenie_posmi.pdf
 0.10  0.05     31433528      522 | /~ileon/Starptautisk%C4%81s%20publisk%C4%81s%20ties%C4%ABbas_2010_rudens/Paatrinatta_grupa_bez_vardiem.pdf
 0.10  0.04     21798332      517 | /~ileon/Starptautisko_tiesibu_aktualas_problemas/ST.akualas.probl.2010.2011..pdf
 0.10  0.00       614682      505 | /~rbalodis/
 0.10  0.05     27661863      504 | /~ileon/Starptautisk%C4%81s%20publisk%C4%81s%20ties%C4%ABbas_2010_rudens/ILC_Articles%20on%20State%20Responsibility.pdf
 0.09  0.05     29312401      503 | /~balodis/KomTies_JurZ1040/Lekc_slaidi/05.uznemums.pdf
 0.09  0.01      3183633      502 | /~df/tdays/
 0.09  0.08     48859886      495 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Teorija/Konstituc_ties_3.pdf
 0.09  0.15     89194670      494 | /~ludarbi/marketing/tir_projektu_vadiba_teo_rokasgramata_iesacejam_projekta_vaditajam.pdf
 0.09  0.01      4670596      484 | /~tbruv/CTK2/Torgans.shtml
 0.09  0.00      1291842      476 | /~buls/
 0.09  0.01      5121836      455 | /~tbruv/CTK2/PARADU%20KARTOSANA.doc
 0.08  0.08     46144169      439 | /~rbalodis/Salidzinoshas%20KT/Teorija/Konstitucija.pdf

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0