World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:09:00 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Jul 1 2011 to Jul 31 2011

Requests Received During Summary Period           12835
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     67075682422
Average Requests Received Daily                     414
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily              2163731691

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
63.46 20.56  13791075188     8145 | com   Commercial
11.19 32.33  21684954718     1436 | unresolved 
10.85 10.89   7303505360     1393 | net   Network
 4.07  0.00       157710      522 | ch    Switzerland
 1.70  1.38    927580503      218 | ru    Russian Federation
 1.18  0.00        59600      151 | nl    Netherlands
 0.83  4.43   2972705796      107 | br    Brazil
 0.79  0.71    473578899      102 | in    India
 0.52  0.09     58069902       67 | edu   Educational
 0.46  0.25    168053238       59 | de    Germany
 0.34  1.10    736508757       43 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.33  0.00        16604       42 | cc    Cocos (Keeling) Islands
 0.32 18.39  12337687251       41 | sg    Singapore
 0.30  0.42    279003797       38 | hu    Hungary
 0.28  1.08    727570195       36 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.23  1.26    842185955       29 | au    Australia
 0.21  0.27    180672130       27 | za    South Africa
 0.21  0.04     27987264       27 | ge    Georgia
 0.17  0.03     16994898       22 | vn    Viet Nam
 0.16  2.24   1503087919       20 | ro    Romania
 0.13  0.02     14587984       17 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.12  0.04     27132189       16 | fr    France
 0.12  0.00         6516       16 | name  Individuals
 0.12  1.09    733236322       15 | be    Belgium
 0.12  0.02     10364103       15 | ua    Ukraine
 0.10  1.10    737783039       13 | tw    Taiwan
 0.10  0.13     83864637       13 | th    Thailand
 0.10  0.03     22310244       13 | mx    Mexico
 0.09  0.07     43653662       12 | id    Indonesia
 0.09  0.05     35225919       12 | lv    Latvia
 0.09  0.09     59128717       11 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.08  0.06     37463108       10 | rs    Serbia
 0.08  0.04     26587959       10 | gr    Greece
 0.06  0.05     30636131        8 | ar    Argentina
 0.06  0.02     12270287        8 | bd    Bangladesh
 0.06  0.00      2692644        8 | jp    Japan
 0.05  0.02     14283566        7 | dk    Denmark
 0.05  0.01      8804543        7 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.05  0.01      7955348        7 | pk    Pakistan
 0.05  0.03     18874108        6 | lt    Lithuania
 0.05  0.02     11724901        6 | fi    Finland
 0.05  0.01      4633031        6 | se    Sweden
 0.04  1.29    867931917        5 | no    Norway
 0.04  0.08     51219369        5 | it    Italy
 0.03  0.02     11261939        4 | il    Israel
 0.03  0.01      6418018        4 | tv    Tuvalu
 0.03  0.00         2344        4 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.02  0.04     27243488        3 | pl    Poland
 0.02  0.01      4211403        3 | my    Malaysia
 0.02  0.00       874478        3 | kr    Korea (South)

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
50.78  0.00      1303600     6518 | com.tucows
11.19 32.33  21684954718     1436 | Unresolved
 4.78  4.16   2788762419      613 |
 4.08  0.00       216758      524 | com.serverloft
 4.07  0.00       157710      522 | ch.critical
 3.36  3.41   2285569026      431 | com.googlebot
 2.91  0.00       147364      373 | net.etoilebsd
 2.40 12.69   8514482997      308 |
 1.16  0.00        58428      149 | nl.demon
 1.10  0.00       103905      141 |
 0.65  0.00        52684       84 |
 0.47  0.00        23720       60 | edu.rit
 0.37  0.94    630268994       48 |
 0.33  0.00        16604       42 | cc.portscout
 0.31 18.39  12336685368       40 |
 0.29  0.00        15281       37 | cz.ovanet.ip.93
 0.21  0.04     27987264       27 | ge.utg.dsl
 0.19  0.00      1699359       25 | com.as13448
 0.19  0.05     30279678       24 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.19  0.01      3646085       24 |
 0.19  0.00         9912       24 | net.positive-dedicated
 0.18  0.27    179653438       23 |
 0.15  0.38    252367550       19 | ru.mts.gprs
 0.14  0.08     51167069       18 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.14  0.01      6234983       18 | de.superkabel
 0.12  0.00         6516       16 | name.dryice
 0.12  0.01      7886620       15 | vn.vdc
 0.11  0.10     65571612       14 |
 0.11  0.00         5782       14 |
 0.10  0.41    277309613       13 | ru.bashtel.dyn
 0.09  0.03     17145923       12 | net.opera-mini
 0.09  0.00       801283       12 | org.serverdeals.clients.40
 0.09  1.14    767050534       11 | ro.rdsnet
 0.09  0.05     35225506       11 | lv.lanet
 0.09  0.02     16467682       11 | hu.t-online.pool
 0.09  0.00         4444       11 | sk.jinx
 0.08  3.18   2136343614       10 |
 0.08  1.12    752064895       10 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.08  0.03     21528601       10 | ru.ufanet.str.dynamic.153.49.105
 0.07  0.08     52591745        9 | ru.corbina.broadband
 0.07  0.00         3717        9 |
 0.07  0.00         3717        9 | org.freebsd.nyi
 0.06  0.04     30055742        8 |
 0.06  0.03     21749849        8 |
 0.06  0.02     12270287        8 |
 0.06  0.02     10694535        8 | net.proxad.fbx
 0.06  0.01      3553989        8 | ru.mns.nat
 0.06  0.00       901329        8 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc
 0.06  0.00       483650        8 | be.belgacom.isp.adsl-dyn.194-128-109
 0.06  0.00         4688        8 | com.wowrack

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 2.92  1.20    806007301      375 | /files/console/entertain/quake2-3.20-glibc-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
 2.31  0.05     30622649      296 | /files/usbview-1.0.tar.gz
 1.38  0.37    251063855      177 | /files/quicktime4linux-2.0.0-src.tar.bz2
 1.35  0.17    111384600      173 | /files/putty-0.60.tar.gz
 1.34  0.09     59412062      172 | /files/rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm
 1.17  0.00       946782      150 | /files/gtkgep-0.2.2-src.tgz
 0.95 32.77  21977584322      122 | /files/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
 0.86  1.25    836832641      110 | /files/bypass_client_linux.bin
 0.76  0.04     27707227       98 | /files/gd-2.0.33.tar.gz
 0.73  0.03     22829600       94 | /files/Minicom-2.00.src.tar.gz
 0.71  1.37    920809301       91 | /files/IB65_eval_linux.gz
 0.68  0.03     22110865       87 | /files/
 0.63  0.77    513532267       81 | /files/vlc-1.1.7.tar.bz2
 0.59  0.00        91820       76 | /files/x11/dock/wmcube-0.98.tar.gz
 0.57  0.01      5483938       73 | /files/x11/file/
 0.56  0.04     27571010       72 | /files/x11/scientific/molmol-2.6.0-src.tar.gz
 0.55  0.02     13358715       71 | /files/expect-5.32.1.tar.gz
 0.55  0.00        14200       71 | /files/dlume-0.2.4.tar.gz
 0.53 31.44  21086947324       68 | /files/ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso
 0.53  0.00       500842       68 | /files/mixmos-0.2.0.tar.gz
 0.49  0.62    416069285       63 | /files/wine-1.0.1.tar.bz2
 0.48  0.08     54739147       61 | /files/dosemu-
 0.44  1.57   1052387482       57 | /files/Mobility-2.00.tar.gz
 0.41  0.00        14460       52 | /files1/
 0.38  0.00      1815608       49 | /files/kturtle-0.1.tgz
 0.37  0.12     83842198       48 | /files/console/dev/pl-5.0.10-93.i386.rpm
 0.37  0.19    129873080       47 | /files/keduca-0.4.tar.gz
 0.35  0.97    653526867       45 | /files/
 0.35  0.00       823086       45 | /files/x11/scientific/mtk-1.3.1b2.tar.gz
 0.34  0.00       217920       44 | /files/
 0.34  0.07     44757970       43 | /files/superupdate.exe
 0.34  0.04     26930328       43 | /files/avifile-0.7-0.7.38.tar.gz
 0.33  0.03     17139170       42 | /files/xtraceroute-0.9.1.tar.gz
 0.33  0.00      2193082       42 | /files/gnuchess-5.06.tar.gz
 0.32  0.01      5915995       41 | /files/x11/entertain/VGB22-Linux-80x86-bin.tar.Z
 0.31  0.01      5916298       40 | /files/gnome/office/gmap-1.1.0.tar.bz2
 0.30  0.03     23117768       39 | /files/
 0.30  0.01      5104510       38 | /files/kde/network/kppp-1.6.25.tar.bz2
 0.30  0.00       123880       38 | /files/console/servers/netkit-bootparamd-0.10.tar.gz
 0.29  0.11     73168265       37 | /files1/
 0.29  0.04     27131497       37 | /files/
 0.29  0.00      3046137       37 | /files/console/file/gzip-1.2.4a.tar.gz
 0.28  0.08     54405092       36 | /files/xsane-0.97.tar.gz
 0.28  0.00      1248098       36 | /files/console/network/mmr-1.5.6.tar.gz
 0.27  0.08     50708882       35 | /files/mpp-free-1.2-112.Linux.i386.tar.gz
 0.26  0.01      6104831       34 | /files/jazz-src-4.1.3.tar.gz
 0.25  0.03     17239448       32 | /files/x11/scientific/xmgr-4.00a.bin.tgz
 0.25  0.02     15335537       32 | /files/
 0.24  0.00       835940       31 | /files/sudoku.tar.gz
 0.24  0.00       643974       31 | /files/x11/office/erwin-0.3.1.tar.gz

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0