World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 19:42:26 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Aug 1 1998 to Aug 31 1998

Requests Received During Summary Period          400352
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      2058762398
Average Requests Received Daily                   12915
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                66411690

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
26.63 20.44    420837666   106595 | unresolved 
23.72 12.16    250406182    94950 | lv    Latvia
13.09 20.61    424264883    52406 | com   Commercial
10.16 13.00    267703836    40678 | net   Network
 3.31  4.49     92416791    13263 | de    Germany
 1.61  2.04     41901464     6438 | au    Australia
 1.40  1.55     31991029     5593 | se    Sweden
 1.37  1.88     38712875     5501 | edu   Educational
 1.37  1.67     34426064     5496 | nl    Netherlands
 1.37  1.78     36562120     5487 | ca    Canada
 1.18  2.71     55690548     4706 | jp    Japan
 1.15  1.30     26790025     4585 | fi    Finland
 0.99  1.23     25267753     3950 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.82  1.01     20693305     3283 | it    Italy
 0.75  0.74     15274769     3015 | il    Israel
 0.74  0.94     19279171     2950 | no    Norway
 0.65  0.67     13838526     2605 | at    Austria
 0.61  0.59     12125872     2428 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.58  0.71     14543440     2338 | ee    Estonia
 0.55  0.63     13045806     2207 | ch    Switzerland
 0.53  0.58     11839784     2102 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.45  0.58     11972310     1798 | fr    France
 0.44  0.52     10607553     1772 | my    Malaysia
 0.41  0.53     10895653     1660 | sg    Singapore
 0.40  0.43      8828491     1603 | dk    Denmark
 0.38  0.50     10387661     1536 | pl    Poland
 0.36  0.45      9243732     1450 | be    Belgium
 0.31  0.35      7235948     1259 | gr    Greece
 0.30  0.36      7440057     1193 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.30  0.34      7049017     1187 | lt    Lithuania
 0.30  0.36      7421058     1184 | ie    Ireland
 0.27  0.36      7415286     1074 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.26  0.34      6974635     1046 | es    Spain
 0.26  0.39      7934860     1042 | tw    Taiwan
 0.24  0.32      6636019      963 | us    United States
 0.21  0.20      4041666      853 | ua    Ukraine
 0.20  0.34      6999120      820 | pt    Portugal
 0.20  0.12      2367692      806 | is    Iceland
 0.17  0.22      4605154      672 | br    Brazil
 0.15  0.19      3948789      582 | ar    Argentina
 0.14  0.17      3470256      560 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.14  0.18      3670016      541 | mx    Mexico
 0.13  0.14      2844564      505 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.10  0.12      2410729      382 | th    Thailand
 0.08  0.11      2284332      311 | za    South Africa
 0.07  0.12      2567705      266 | gov   Government
 0.07  0.11      2197907      264 | mil   US Military
 0.07  0.09      1921397      263 | hu    Hungary
 0.06  0.08      1644880      260 | yu    Yugoslavia
 0.06  0.09      1835488      228 | ro    Romania

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
26.63 20.44    420837666   106595 | Unresolved
 6.76  2.38     48974410    27066 | lv.lanet
 1.83  0.52     10797968     7310 |
 1.71  2.31     47593856     6866 |
 1.42  0.91     18633012     5676 | lv.parks
 1.26  0.06      1145853     5050 |
 0.94  0.59     12243520     3768 | lv.apollo
 0.89  1.07     21929692     3555 |
 0.62  0.43      8876974     2477 | lv.riga
 0.62  1.23     25256600     2466 | com.inktomi
 0.61  0.22      4554365     2461 |
 0.59  0.56     11508323     2368 | lv.latnet
 0.58  0.60     12339455     2322 | se.swipnet
 0.51  0.20      4200195     2038 | lv.telekom
 0.50  0.34      7013321     2008 |
 0.49  0.66     13548564     1962 | de.t-online.dip
 0.48  5.64    116071100     1931 | com.netmind
 0.45  0.45      9224033     1790 | com.telia
 0.41  0.64     13166584     1639 | net.webtv.bryant.iap
 0.37  0.37      7521078     1498 | it.tin
 0.36  0.19      3957106     1447 | com.netneo
 0.34  0.48      9894326     1344 |
 0.33  0.42      8691697     1335 | nl.wxs
 0.31  0.22      4483197     1227 | lv.dati
 0.30  0.17      3566825     1214 | lv.rkb
 0.30  0.37      7539541     1193 | ca.sprint
 0.29  0.10      1964669     1178 | lv.hipo
 0.28  0.07      1522648     1136 | net.euroseek
 0.28  0.04       772856     1116 |
 0.28  0.13      2574343     1108 | lv.tmc
 0.28  0.38      7889071     1104 |
 0.27  0.57     11773187     1075 | com.netvigator
 0.24  1.35     27770808      960 |
 0.24  0.20      4032747      946 |
 0.23  0.28      5720901      918 |
 0.22  0.10      2044275      876 |
 0.22  0.21      4240584      868 | net.prodigy.ykt
 0.21  0.28      5710364      836 | com.netcom.ix
 0.20  0.19      3922107      799 | com.infoseek
 0.20  0.15      3019068      794 | lv.di
 0.20  0.16      3255451      788 |
 0.20  0.14      2883615      784 |
 0.19  0.10      1962163      779 | lv.hbl
 0.19  0.27      5534529      773 |
 0.19  0.22      4546243      770 |
 0.19  0.02       453182      753 |
 0.19  0.34      6965554      746 | net.coqui
 0.18  0.16      3244509      732 | net.netdirect
 0.18  0.18      3624772      707 | se.algonet.ppp
 0.18  0.31      6430435      705 | net.germany

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 5.56 50.43   1038167216    22279 | /misc/charts/
 5.10  1.30     26690929    20436 | /cgi-bin/Count.cgi
 3.93  1.65     34070902    15752 | /
 0.89  2.03     41852867     3550 | /cgi-bin/texis/webinator/search/
 0.81  3.90     80364143     3254 | /users/judrups/Humor/canoneleph.html
 0.59  0.66     13485660     2350 | /news/exch/vk.html
 0.53  0.49     10009816     2136 | /misc/charts/search.html
 0.38  2.32     47709656     1511 | /links/lwww.html
 0.36  0.20      4154646     1459 | /news/airplay/new.html
 0.35  0.03       654944     1386 | /cgi-bin/cusi
 0.34  0.08      1636532     1370 | /links/llatvia.html
 0.30  0.64     13157904     1185 | /services/cusi/cusi.html
 0.25  0.23      4776019     1013 | /cgi-bin/wwwwais
 0.24  0.76     15578951      978 | /links/lvtop.html
 0.20  0.02       449570      787 | /robots.txt
 0.20  0.08      1595978      784 | /news/kiegelis/
 0.17  0.11      2208016      691 | /users/judrups/Humor/aol.html
 0.16  0.48      9918548      629 | /misc/charts/year.html
 0.14  0.06      1198400      560 | /news/exch/
 0.14  0.04       889309      546 | /news/exch/lindex.html
 0.13  0.04       747188      527 | /links/latvia.html
 0.13  0.96     19715099      507 | /links/ewww.html
 0.12  0.07      1472005      461 | /news/spice/
 0.11  0.15      3148759      458 | /links/other.html
 0.11  0.04       785402      452 | /news/
 0.11  0.24      4841187      449 | /cgi-bin/archieplexform
 0.11  0.04       807132      441 | /members/
 0.11  0.30      6100285      438 | /whatsnew.html
 0.11  0.31      6438245      422 | /links/lmusic.html
 0.10  0.12      2429550      412 | /users/judrups/Humor/hamlet.html
 0.10  0.08      1689700      412 | /news/all.html
 0.10  0.08      1625869      406 | /index/
 0.09  0.03       635822      374 | /util/search/lindex.html
 0.09  0.19      3883353      364 | /misc/charts/persdj.html
 0.09  0.01       295880      349 | /services/
 0.09  0.19      3966228      348 | /misc/charts/oldch.html
 0.09  0.03       663500      345 | /news/rock/1998/
 0.09  0.27      5519308      343 | /links/lhp.html
 0.08  0.31      6453381      330 | /links/ehp.html
 0.07  0.04       832275      300 | /services/archieplex/doc/form.html
 0.07  0.02       462636      281 | /links/lftp.html
 0.07  0.07      1380996      280 | /misc/charts/oldarch.html
 0.07  0.05       983864      270 | /users/judrups/Humor/pooh2.html
 0.07  0.02       476840      262 | /util/search/
 0.06  0.01       273080      239 | /books/ipc/
 0.06  0.04       859702      229 | /index/personal.html
 0.06  0.02       514235      226 | /members/aabs/
 0.06  0.04       860969      224 | /misc/soft/
 0.05  0.02       387572      217 | /news/airplay/
 0.05  0.17      3602540      207 | /links/emusic.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0