The Simtel.Net MS-DOS Collection

Simtel.Net MS-DOS documentation, indexes

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    Filename      Date   Size  Description   (991122)   3K  Simtel index to html via Perl. Win32/Unix   (990628)  13K  Filter info from Simtel listings, w/C++ source  (980920)  21K  Search & display the Simtel.Net file list  (980109)  41K  Finds differences in FTP directory listings   (960510)   1K  Unix shell script to cvt Simtel idx to ftp URL
  simindex.hdr  (960304)  792  Simtel.Net index header file for PC-File+ use
  simcvax.bas   (960224)   7K  VAX/VMS BASIC V3.3 pgm prints Simtel index
  simcvt.awk    (960224)  721  AWK script to print Simtel index
  simcvt.exc    (960224)   3K  VM/CMS REXX program to print Simtel index
  simcvt2.c     (960224)   6K  Unix C program to search/print Simtel index
  simcvt2.exc   (960224)   3K  VM/CMS REXX program to print Simtel index
  simcvt3.for   (960224)   3K  VAX/VMS FORTRAN program to print Simtel index    (960224)   2K  Perl script to print Simtel.Net index    (960224)   1K  sh script: search Simtel list w/nice output
  simserch.c    (960224)   8K  Search through Simtel index. TC-2.0/VMS-C src  (940714)   3K  Unix script converts Simtel.Net index to HTML  (930907)  18K  Make SIMMS.IDX a readable AND grep-able file     (930607)   2K  Unix script to FTP files from any MS-DOS site  (930524)  79K  Convert Simtel index to Paradox4 format   (930429) 127K  Quick and easy Simtel.Net file lookup program   (920327)   9K  Simtel.Net index fast lookup utility. w/C src  (920102)  14K  Extract dirs from Simtel index to new file   (910516)  25K  Simtel .IDX conversion util for Turbo C
  idx2dat.c     (910311)   7K  Make AutoFTP/BatchFTP script from Simtel index
  simdisp.awk   (901205)   1K  AWK script displays Simtel index, outline form
  grep.sim      (901203)   1K  Script to view Simtel index on Unix systems  (900515)   7K  Paradox converter/reader for Simtel index  (900226)   8K  Compiled C pgm for MSDOS to print Simtel index
  simdisp.doc   (900113)  280  How to use SIMDISP.AWK  (891217)  14K  Shorten/rearrange Simtel.Net indices, w/TP src  (010113) 406K  Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.  (010113) 392K  Text format list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
  upload.txt    (010108)   5K  How to upload programs to Simtel.Net
  mirrors.txt   (010103)   6K  List of Simtel.Net authorized mirror sites
  ftpmail.txt   (010102) 1000  How to get Simtel.Net files by e-mail
  indexes.txt   (010102)   1K  How to search and display Simtel.Net's indexes
  ms-news.txt   (010102)   1K  How to receive Simtel.Net upload announcements
  aareadme.txt  (010101)   3K  Information about the files in this directory
  cdrom.txt     (010101)   1K  How to obtain Simtel.Net collections on CD-ROM
  copyrite.txt  (010101)   2K  Info about Simtel.Net's compilation copyright
  dirs.txt      (010101)   7K  List of dirs in this collection w/descriptions
  mirror.txt    (010101)   2K  How to become a Simtel.Net mirror site
  quickref.txt  (010101)   2K  Quick reference list: Dirs in this collection
  simindex.txt  (010101)  280  Info on record structure of Simtel .IDX files
  simindex.db3  (000827)  554  How to use Simtel.Net index files w/dBASEIII  (000429)  66K  Converts Simtel.Net indexes to .grx (GetRight)
  simcvt.c      (000104)   2K  Unix C program to print Simtel index

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